Wednesday, July 14, 2010

More Hair Inspiration

Grow hair, grow!  I want braids and buns and long flowing hair. You can do it! I've been eating my veggies so you need to hold up your end of the bargain. I know you're not used to the attention from me, but times they are a changin' so move it along.

images 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 {wit + delight}/ 5 yyelowbird


  1. I love that long loose braid- My hair used to be that long but then I donated nine inches- It's grown in a bunch but not that long yet-

  2. I have long hair so I love looking at photos of hair-do inspiration! I love the braid & the flower one!! I think I'm going to go get a flower clip @ H & M later. It's beautiful!!

  3. Wow, definitely some beautiful hair inspiration!! Love these looks :)

  4. you can do it!! keep eating your carrots :)

    I do love the messy bun and flower...I have long hair, but would be hard pressed to make it look so cute.

  5. i have hair the length i wished for when my hair was short. then i want it short now. then i dunno why i kept it and then i'd want to braid my hair as soon as it's chopped off. you'll be there before you noticed it.

  6. so pretty. i love trying out new hair styles. and these are gorgeous.


  7. Beautiful pictures. I've been growing my hair out for two years and have still a decent amount of time to go before its the perfect length. But when it does ill probably want to cut it again, hehe

  8. beautiful! it makes me wish I had longer hair!

  9. love. the 1st & 4th are my favs :*)

  10. I have a post on hair inspiration all lined up! how funny, great minds think alike!

    These are great photos!

  11. My hair is finally long enough to wear in a braid like pictured above. Love that photo.

    It's unreal to me, the queen of the chin-length bob, to have hair long enough to braid or just BE long. In this heat wave, I ponder cutting it but then a ponytail works wonders and lets the hair remain long.

  12. Long haired girl, here. Not sure I will ever cut it short. (Eat cucumbers- they have a lot of the nutrients that enhance great hair, skin and nails.)

  13. My secret to long hair was to grow my hair for two straight years-just tiny trims very 6 months to get the dead ends off. Then I cut 10 inches off to donate! Good cause I think, for children needing wigs after illnesses.
    I still have long hair...un- decided as to what I like now and searching for a new style in humid Florida!


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