Sunday, July 18, 2010

First Photos with the Diana Mini!

I have wanted to experiment with lomography for some time but have always been a little shy about taking pictures.  After consulting with my  friend and fellow blogger, (the human) Diana I decided to start with the Diana Mini.  The affordability of this little camera + the 35mm format made picking out my first toy camera pretty easy.  These pictures are from my very first roll, taken this weekend, and I was like a kid on Christmas morning when I went to the lab to pick up the prints.  Many of my photos didn't come out at all (helpful tip- take OFF the camera lens cap before shooting) and the double exposures were a complete accident but that's all part of the experience I think.  I love my Nikon DSLR but I think the Diana Mini might just have become my new best friend.  Just like any friend, I plan on taking lots of time to get to know her, see what she likes and dislikes and maybe even gift her with some fun accessories (like a flash).  I'll report back on the status of the relationship regularly, I hope :)

images: me + the diana mini


  1. they are lovely Christina!!! Thank you for that helpful hint ;) lol XOXOXOXOXOXOXOOX!!

  2. these are gorgeous!! i hope that you're having an excellent weekend!

  3. oh! so great! i know exactly how you feel. i love my dslr's too, but when i got those holga prints back for the first time, i could've kissed that piece of plastic! haha! can't wait to see more shots. enjoy!

  4. These look great!! I was in Athens this weekend and thought of that creepy? I hope not =)

  5. cool photos, like the ice cream cone one the most.

  6. I've never heard of that camera before. My trusty film Canon sits collecting dust.

  7. These are so pretty, I love the horses. I hope its the beginning of a wonderful friendship, I heart my diana mini :)

  8. ohh love these pics, they have a very vintage feel to them!! your composition is great too!

  9. Beautiful! Love the horses especially.

    Elle x

  10. These are great, I can't wait to see more! The pic of B is too awesome, and I love the double exposure of the horses.

  11. Those are so gorgeous...I love the softness of them.

  12. I already told you I love these, but I really do! No credit was necessary, it was fun having camera talk!
    Can't wait to see the rest!


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