Thursday, July 15, 2010

Beautiful Sinks

Because I am not a homeowner, I've never had the opportunity to have a say about my sinks. As a direct consequence of this, I've never really put much thought into them either until I recently ran across these options.  Now I'm going to prepared if the opportunity ever arises. I want a cool sink!

Whether the sink have a unique tile back splash or be structurally interesting,  this is definitely an area in the home to show some creativity.   I'm thinking the pink sink is my favorite - surprise, surprise.  Do you have an ideal sink in mind?

images: 1) House Beautiful Feb '10 2) via dress, design & decor 3) here


  1. i LOVE my sink in my bathroom - but when u go to all the showrooms and see the ENDLESS possibilities it get VERY overwhelming! - u get to pick the drain pop-ups and just every lil detail - it's one thing about renovating a home by yourself and solo, there's just SO much to choose from, but it's A LOT of fun!!!!! .. i have a Ronbow sink (it's white, square, vessle sink)

    *kiss kiss*

  2. That first sink is gorgeous! (Well, actually, they all are... good picks!)

  3. Ooo I like the pink sink too! I like the ones that are the above bowl too!! I like have funky things in my maybe future place Ill remember these sinks!! =)

  4. The first sink is freaking awesome.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  5. The second one has been saved to my "inspiration for dream house" photo file. Thanks!

  6. That first one is fantastic! My dream sink is a farmhouse style white sink with etching on the ceramic, I saw it in a mag once...


  7. I never knew so much artistic creativity could be applied to a sink! I love that last one. Pretty :)

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. These are beautiful!! I have been searching for a great sink for ages and these are so inspiring thank you XX

  10. I love that pretty painted one at the bottom!

  11. The last one is so cute! I can't wait to see what you'll do when you DO have a say :)

  12. i'm in the same boat (sink?) as you! one day we will shape our homes from top to bottom! and starting with the sinks sounds like a good idea!

  13. Love, love, love sink #2! Easy way to dress up an otherwise boring area. Would kill for sink #3- very pretty! :)

  14. My dream sink is in my kitchen! Always wanted the white farmhouse sink with a nice, tall curved faucet, and the lever handles. I just love it to pieces, and might do it again in my next house.


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