Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wishlist: Toms Canvas Wedges

I think Real Simple featured these new Toms Calypso wedges maybe 2 issues ago and I have been religiously stalking the store just waiting to get my hands on some since.  They're finally (finally!) available.  The only problem is, I don't have the money to buy them right now so they're going on my wishlist.

 B, please bump these to the top of the birthday list.  I doubt you're actually paying attention to this list, but if you are (and by golly I hope you are), I'd like them in the light green or the navy stripe. Thanks love.


  1. I love them too! And the colors you picked are my favorite...

  2. i had no clue toms was making wedges! my punishment for living in france i suppose. i'm in love!

  3. I got the press releases from TOMS about those, and I love them! I've been a little obsessed with wedges this summer, and I've wanted a pair of TOMS for a long time, because I love their ethics, but I honestly have a hard time seeing myself wearing their traditional style. I love the navy wedges though!

  4. The navy striped ones are adorable!

  5. Oooooo....I want the yellow ones!

  6. Those minty ones with a red dress...I would live in that outfit for the summer.

  7. Those are cute. I bet they are super comfortable.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  8. They are very cute. Love the peep toes. :)

  9. LOVE these and want the light green ones so bad.

  10. Oooh...I love the yellow ones, although that color doesn't really go with much in my wardrobe! I hope you get yours :)

  11. Love love these, do you know if they are comfy, they are so cute, Kathysue

  12. I'm not normally into Toms, but these are cute!

  13. Ah, wedges I love you. I'm a less-than-tall girl and although flats are great, I feel my best in something with some height and the wedge is comfy to boot!

  14. Lovely! I've been seeing these all over the place and now WANT them!! xoxo

  15. What I love about Wedges is they don't hurt as bad as heals!

  16. Adore! Must have the orange ones---soo cute!

  17. they are pretty cute (even if they are TOMS - LOL)!!!!!

  18. ACK! I just wishlisted these too. Oh my gosh I might get them now now now so I can wear them on my vacay.

  19. WOW. I don't have Summer shoes (or pretty shoes right now for that matter). These will be mine! Thanks for the heads up. I wish i could buy them in every color. Dreaming.

  20. i NEED those blue striped babies! I would love to buy some some pretty shoes, but they will have to wait. Just ordered my annual pair of Cobain Fiji flip-flops (actually ordered them in 2 colors this summer). They are the most comfy summer shoes ever, and even presentable enough wear with casual skirts and dresses.


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