Monday, June 28, 2010

Interiors: Collage Walls

Beware, the collage wall is not for the minimalist at heart.  

Some of these examples are actual collages while others are wallpaper "faux collages." I think they're all interesting and because I am most definitely not a minimalist, I could see my future craft room having a wall with a giant collage.  What do you think about this type of wall decor? 

images: 1) Elle Decor, 2) you are my fave source inside out, 3) delight by design source vtwonen 4) Selina Lake


  1. it's decoupage to the extreme! - i LOVE it!!!!

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. daughter (11) has one in her bedroom and it looks amazing..images from magazines, photos, wrapping paper, tickets,postcards etc... Great idea for your work area - it would be really inspiring!Go for it!

  3. Wow, I love this!! This definitely is not for the faint of heart, but wow, would it be constantly inspiring to look at a wall like that!! Gorgeous.

  4. amazing~ I remember once at NY Barney's, they had a wall of tictacs!

  5. I love it and maybe because I was never allowed to hang anything on my walls as a child. Love the last one best - looks like it could be done with wallpaper sample books... : )

  6. my roommate and I had the COOLEST collage wall in college (in our dorky dorm)... I SO wished I would have saved all the pieces so I could recreate it.

  7. I love the one with the desk and the bookshelf. That's too cute.

  8. These are my home this may work in the office ..I could create a collage wall of inspiration...maybe a wall of the best Domino there's an idea.

  9. not for the minimalist. you've got that right! but i like some of them. the bedroom withe the softer colors and flower-y collage is my favorite!

  10. I'm not usually one for collage since my highschool days, but that second-to-last photo is inspiring me. Thanks for the post. :)

  11. WOAH!!! that first one is a bit much for me! But I like the 3rd one!!

  12. you know what - i love it! i was thinking about painting an accent wall but this could be even better!

  13. gorgeous pictures! ♥

  14. I literally just stayed up till 3am collaging my bedroom wall! It's so fun! And cheap-> I just flipped through all the magazines I've collected over the past 5 years, ripped out inspiring images, and voila! Wall of inspiration.

  15. i wish i could remember where i saw it but i stumbled upon a lovely wall of polaroids the other day that was too sweet for words — definitely not for the faint of heart though!

  16. The vintage botanical print wall collage is beautiful, especially paired with modern furniture. The same room could also be completely romantic and girlie by just changing out the furniture.

  17. one of these looks like the wall on your previous post! you are slowly getting there

  18. Wow those are some great walls.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate


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