Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Interiors: Blush Pink + Light Grey

Grey and pink is such girly, classic combination.  These two spaces share the same light palette while being complete different stylistically.

Living in a really old home and having a penchant towards retro anything, I could see myself with a kitchen similar to the second image.  Do you find the softness of this palette boring or do you find these spaces as inviting as I do?  

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  1. Although I'm not usually one for such light colors (I like crisp & full of contrast!) I'm dying for this pale pink fridge! It's amazing

  2. As inviting as you do!
    I could live with this for sure.
    Enjoy your weekday!

  3. THIS is one of my FAVORITE color combinations!!! As around the house or wardrobe and as a smoky eye look too! Although, unfortunately I can't wear pink really on my eyes since it tends to always make me look sickly, unless its a brighter pink!! But, pinks my favorite color, so I try and incorporate it where ever I can.

  4. Love it! Looks like we've both got pink on the brain today! : )

  5. I love that fridge-- Layla from the Lettered Cottage just posted a video that showed one for sale in Georgia at a local Homegoods-- wish my homegoods would sell one! I have a kitchen aid mixer I leave out on the counter that is the same blush pink-- so pretty!!

  6. This is one of my favorite color combos. And because of the necklace, I know it's yours too. :)

  7. oh they're so girlie and pretty. ..lovely!

  8. I love both of these. The first is perhaps a little modern for my taste but still so cool but comfortable looking. The kitchen on the other hand is not a million miles away from my own, (although my smeg is cream)

  9. I think the combo is so pretty. The gray takes some of the sticky-sweetness out of the pink and the pink keeps the palette warm. The first picture is so soothing and comfortable looking, I could spend all day there! Lovely!

  10. Christina, I just LOVE this inspiration... I am just getting ready to paint my bedroom grey next week. I will just have to try to get my husband on board with adding some pink accents. Think I can? :)

  11. If I could somehow talk the husband into a pink fridge my goal as a wife would be accomplished! Love it!

  12. If I could somehow talk the husband into a pink fridge my goal as a wife would be accomplished! Love it!

  13. Yes, I love the pink and grey combo so much that I use it on my website and blog !

  14. i'll take #1! the pink fridge is a bit too much for me, but the color palette here is REALLY pleasing to the eye!

  15. I love these muted colors together. It always looks so perfect when combined!! :)

  16. honestly just love this palette, so drawn to grays lately and pale pinks make it so soft and pretty!

  17. i have always loved blush pink + light grey! i should use it more. so gorgeous!

    xo Alison

  18. Great kitchen! It does look warm and inviting I think, if the shades are both soft and washed out.


  19. The pink refrigerator is awesome. When I was a small hild in the 1960's I used to go to my Aunt's house and she had a pink refrigerator, stove, oven and a dishwasher...which was rare at the time. All her appliances were pink...I loved them.

  20. there is something very comforting about these rooms. I'm not sure I could live with it day to day, but would be very happy to enjoy it in a holiday house or weekender. Relaxing, soft and feminine. Earl Grey Tea and shortbread bikkies.

  21. Look at that PINK FRIDGE! I've never seen anything so awesome!

  22. I have that exact fridge. I bought it when I was pregnant with my son and he is now 24 years old and the fridge is still going strong. I lugged it from state to state! The shelves hang from a central pole and swing out like a lazy susan. It is turquoise inside and the freezer is yellow inside. Best purchase of my life thus far.

  23. i love this. i need that pink fridge. i'm slowly collecting pink things in my home. yes, i'll be that crazy lady.


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