Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Weekend

Happy Friday friends!  What are your plans this weekend?  B and I have a wedding to attend on Saturday night then I have plans with some old friends on Sunday.  It's going to be a busy weekend with shop updates as well, which I'll hopefully share with you on Sunday.  It's been a long week and I'm definitely looking forward to whatever rest I can squeeze into the schedule.  I hope you have a good one and I'll seen you back here soon!

image via here


  1. My plans: organize, maybe paint, do some bargain hunting/shopping...and visit family.

    Love the flowers...

  2. Love that picture. It'll be a mix of errands and DIYing for me this weekend!

  3. pretty picture! i'll be doing errands and projects and hopefully hitting up an estate sale or two! have a lovely time at the wedding!

  4. Working on new items for my shop and watching the US play in the World Cup...have a great weekend!

  5. Happy weekend to you too, my dear! I am going to a craft fest tomorrow and out hiking on Sunday with hubs and friends :)

    xo Cat

  6. it looks like it's going to be a cold weekend here. plans? curling up in my fave spot, catching up with friends and watching Argentina play in the world cup! happy friday, darling! xo

  7. hi christina!

    what a lovely image; love the colors, flowers and old photographs in it.

    happy friday to you too. i'll be going to a grease-sing-a-long concert al fresco today, so excited the day is finally here. sounds like you are also having a fabulous weekend, love weddings and getting together with my girlfriends. have lotsa fun and dance the night away.

    oxox ^-^

  8. I'll be heading to the beach with my doggies!

    Happy weekend! :)

  9. I am so glad it's the weekend!!
    Have a good one ~~
    xoxo Laura

  10. Bonjour Christina,
    Enjoy the wedding and time with your friends. I'm working on a few projects, hopefully we'll find time to enjoy all this fabulous sunshine!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Have fun!

    Did you tell us what you're wearing?

  13. i hope you have a glorious weekend! in fact, i hope you are chillin' right now! i sure hope to be soon. COUNTDOWN!

  14. WEEKEND WEEKEND WEEKEND!!!! WEEHHH!! you already started yours!!! oiy the 3 hour difference!!! Have a super time at the wedding!! xoxoxox!!

  15. Lets see try to hit an Estate sale, and actually get out on a Saturday to a cocktail party.

  16. happy weekend to you.
    I have been fixing all the damage from the recent storms..... my garden is a wreck!


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