Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hair Inspiration

Growing my hair out from a very short pixie cut has been a long, arduous process and there have been times of panic where shaving my head appeared to be the only solution.  Then I come across an image like this, and I think that maybe all of the bobby pins, flat ironing, pony tails, and unsuccessful taming of frizz is worth it.  A tie scarf and a braid.  Perfection.

image via here


  1. oh i love it too! - but my hair will never be thick enough to have a braid like that :o(

    *kiss kiss*
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  2. Such a pretty hairstyle, I'm going to steal the look when my hair grows a little longer :) I feel you on the "growing pains". I'm completely at a loss about fixing my hair different ways, really not sure what to do with it, which is probably why every time it gets 3 inches below the shoulder, I cut it in a chin-length bob. My go-to summer do right now (to keep the frizz tamed): quickie flat iron & put in two low ponytails in the back. Cute but not little-girlie. The look works well with sundresses.

  3. I wish I hadn't cut mine, now also in the growing out phase. Will I ever learn?!

  4. Love it. But its too much work, maybe if someone could tie the plait for me. :) (Yes you guessed right I am super lazy!!)

  5. Very soft and feminine..Im loving your hair right now..gorgeous!

  6. So cute!! I need to take the time to put my hair up in cute ways like this :)

  7. It's pretty!! I have long hair so I would love to sport this look too!

  8. Ohh to dream to have locks like that! I have a short pixie cut now and I have tried to grow it out.But, looks like short is the only way for me ! ugh...dream to have long hair...lol! Have wonderful day! ~lulu

  9. may need to do my hair up like this tomorrow :)

  10. I love that too! I'm not sure I'll ever grow my hair long again though, it's easier to keep it professional looking when it's short, at least for my curly mess it is! Who knows, maybe one day I'll grow it out again, and when I do I will absolutely style it like this!

  11. So adorable!
    Wanted to let you know that my DIY brooch bouquet is up, as promised:

  12. Love this lovely hair inspiration.

  13. Love this - must try it. I recently cut my hair 5 inches and it was still hung past my shoulders but it feels so short!

    Never again. I am a long hair type of girl.

  14. Scarves are good, they add to the flow factor.


  15. Ugh, I impulsively cut ten inches off my hair last summer and a week later decided it was a no go. One year later and I am nowhere near where I started.

  16. I know what you mean! I've been trying to grow out my hair for awhile now and at times I've been tempted to just cut it short again! Haha. But I love this pic...so pretty.

    Jana Marie

  17. Love braids :)(Love long hair in general because you can do so much with it.) Awesome blog!!!

  18. I love to let mine grown and then cut it short, let it grow, etc. Mine is in the growing stage right now and while I like it long it's not quite as "chic" as the short, very defined style. Ah well, I can do a braid at least. Good luck with yours!

  19. gorgeous hair! ♥


  20. that is SO pretty! i wish i could do my hair like that. my hair is kind of unmanageable ;) xo.

  21. lovely summer style. & i lov ethe lighting in this photo :*)


  22. that image is nice - your new length is really pretty on you with the goggles! mine is just past my ears, but it's still a huge thing for me; it hasn't been this long since 1997. it's encouraging to think that the flat iron and the bobby pins go away eventually.

  23. i love how braids are being shown in so many varieties lately. it is like i forgot ALL ABOUT braiding, and the reintroduction has shown me that i MUST start wearing them more often! and i can't wait to try this one!!!

  24. you missed your long hair, eh? i'm thinking of chopping my locks off. i'm never good with long locks. but i don't wanna go thru the agony of those in-betweens.


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