Monday, June 14, 2010

Do More With Your Money: Sseko Designs

Thanks to Anna, I was recently introduced to a new 'do more with you money' company, Sseko Designs. What better way to start off the week than acknowledging a company who is going above and beyond in their business.

Here's the deal...Sseko Designs hires young women in Uganda coming out of secondary school to make stylish sandals and in turn, the women are able to save money to go to a University. The women work for 9 months while saving money, being paid FAIR wages, and living together. The point is for the women to only work for 9 months in preparation to move forward onto higher education and eventually a career.  You can read more about the company's set up and goals here and here.

The sandals cost $40 a pair and you can buy interchangeable straps to change out the color and pattern.

There are lots of strap options including these nautical stripes which of course are my favorite.  Seems like a pretty good way to spend $40 if you ask me!

{if you follow me in Google reader, you'll notice I posted a video earlier. I couldn't format the video correctly so I deleted the post, but lucky you if you got to see it as it's still available through the reader!}


  1. What an awesome idea! They look great - we're in the heart of Winter right now but I'm bookmarking this page for later in the year!


  2. Those are cute. I like the lace up look.

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  3. very nice, and a great idea. Love the fashion too.

  4. A company that makes cool things with a cause; a win win.

  5. Those sandals look so comfy and cool right about now!

  6. Great idea and entrepreneurship! Definitely a "DO" xoxo

  7. I LOVE THESE!!! Especially the sky blue!! Happy Monday lovely lady!

  8. Thank you so much for sharing this. These would make great birthday gifts for friends and at the same time make a contribution to women. These also remind me of the sandals I wore, and were "in", when I was in high school.

  9. I love these! And I'm with you--the stripes are the cutest. Thinking about ordering a pair . . .

  10. I love these! And I'm with you--the stripes are the cutest. Thinking about ordering a pair . . .

  11. what a fantastic company!!! I love to help out empowering women throughout the world anyway I can, so I will definitely be looking into purchasing and spreading the word about this company :)

  12. Definitely a perfect summer sandal! I love the ability to change it up whenever you want!

  13. these are SO cute — what a way to support an amazing cause! thank you so much for the introduction to this wonderful company — i'm off to pick my perfect pair!

  14. The exchangeable strap sandals are the best color concept since, the band swapping of the Swatch Watch series!

  15. I love the sandal concept and they look super comfy as well.

  16. What a great post! Heading there now!


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