Monday, May 24, 2010

It's a Bug's Life

The little creepy crawly things are everywhere lately and you better believe I still scream like a little girl every time I see one (in the house mind you, I'm a little more poised in public).  Here are some less scary bug items to celebrate the little beasts. B, if you're reading this, don't forget to call the exterminator!

Magicicada Earrings $29.99 via Modcloth
Beetle Letterpress card set of 6 $14 via Smock
Insecta Scarf $19.99 (on sale was $32) via Anthro
Mouche Brooch 62 € via Calourette


  1. hmmm... not sure about these. I can do ladybugs and butterflies and dragonflies, but not really flies and beetles and roaches. Maybe this trend will grow on me. It's a little macabre.

  2. Loving the brooch - very eye catching!

  3. SNICKER. somebody actually made bugs CUTE?!?!? IT'S A MIRACLE!!!

  4. I'm not a big fan of bugs. You may actually say we're enemies. But that broochis actually rather cute.

  5. so cute! love the Mouche Brooch !!


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