Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Interiors: Uber Girly Bedroom

I wouldn't trade sharing a living space with B for the world, but sometimes I daydream about having a spare bedroom, just for me, where I can be as girly and frilly as I please. 

Don't get me wrong. I love masculine touches in bedrooms or more modern, eclectic spaces, but there's a small part of me that wants to indulge in super feminine details, most especially in the bedroom.  Am I just being hormonal or does anyone else feel this way?

{all images via Air Space}


  1. Oh me too. I love all the lace & the beautiful bed & the vanity table. =)

  2. I agree! That top image is gorgeous!
    The wallpaper is stunning and I want it!

  3. ooooooo yeah!! with drapes and flowers, and silk and white and pink and blue and green, and pearls and silver and antiques and books and magazines, and plants and mirrors and an extra bathroom and a walk-in closet and a tv and a radio and candles and milk and cookies and a lovely chair and huge windows and...uhm......well....think that would be enough.....for now ;)


  4. A couple of these can be girly...but I'm really loving the second's my favorite.

  5. You read my mind sometimes! In fact, last week I took our guest room and made it extra girly. Luckily, Mister thinks it looks good...but I'm sure he's happy it's not our room.

  6. second bedroom, second bedroom!

    that's my choice. love the last one too but it wouldn't stay white for long.

  7. I think you would love Brocade Home if you love these rooms. I did a post here if you want some more eye candy.
    They have an amazing bed and wonderful lacquered pieces of old made to look fresh and young. Love it, Kathysue

  8. I love this style so much. I actually do like modern and other styles too, but this style especially has one my heart over!

  9. Ooooh, so very pretty! There's little elements that I love in each room.

    Thanks for posting -- I (finally) purchased a new home and I'm itching to move in (almost there!), so beautiful interior design photos are always uber inspiring. Especially the bedrooom -- it's the only room that I'll get to completely revamp!

    I am so inspired by this, I reposted on my own blog:

    Thanks for sharing!

  10. All of those bed frames are so incredible. Those are my favorite kind . . . lovely! I especially love the third and fourth ones. Dreamy . . .

  11. The second one is my favourite

    I like that sunken wall idea..

  12. i'm right with you, hormones or not -
    particularly after seeing these pictures! but i guess you have to choose between a happy life with a happy bf and single life in a beautiful princess room...

  13. These are so pretty - my hubby wouldn't be a huge fan but for a guest room, how gorgeous! Even just the beds themselves would be great!

  14. you are being hormonal.

    JUST KIDDING!!! you have a right to your hormones, to your feelings, and to your decor! :)

  15. omg the bed in that first picture is UHmazing. my jaw literally dropped.

  16. I am all about girly bedrooms! {My husband hates it, but he has no choice!}

  17. I would kill for any one of these beds! But especially the first one.

  18. #2 for me, love the glam chandelier and the trunk at the end of the bed! Definitely need to make my bedroom more girly!

  19. Taking some pieces from each photo, I would mix and match a perfect bedroom for myself.

  20. I like the second bedroom best, because I DON'T like things if they're covered in lace and/or are too frilly.

  21. Oh, they're so beautiful! Except the second one maybe all these bedrooms are so gorgeous, I'd kill to live there!!!


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