Thursday, May 27, 2010

Interiors: Paint It

These two paint projects, as featured in the May issue of Livingetc. make me want to paint something.  The banister is certainly not for the shy, but against a white wall and white stairs, it pops without looking tacky.

I'm sure the dripped paint on the dresser is harder to accomplish then it looks, but that's why I'd buy a thrift store dresser to practice on.  Fun isn't it?

{images scanned  by me via Livingetc May '10}


  1. Oh these are great inspiration...I wonder how painting brick on a fireplace would go?

  2. delightful! Such clever ideas & very BRAVE!

  3. What fun paint ideas! I love the green banister...I would have never thought to do something like that. Thanks for the creative ideas :)

  4. I like them both..they're such an inspiration!!

  5. Those spindles look so bright & cheery! I don't think I'd be bold enough to do this in my own home, but it's nice to look at :)

  6. Oh my goodness--love it! The spindles on the stairway are amazing. Such great ideas. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Love them both too - but yes do wonder what they'd look like in a real place? Let us know if you try it!

  8. those spindles are great - I would never have thought of painting them so bright! : )

  9. no way!...that staircase is the coolest thing!

  10. that staircase must've taken forever! lol ... i love the dripped paint! so cool

  11. I don't like white walls, so I don't have any in my apartment, but am ready to repaint the hall and thinking that dripped look might be interesting.

  12. that stairway just nailed it for me - i'm SOOOOOO doing that in my house - i have 5 spokes or whatever they are called -i'm SO painting them now!!!

    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  13. The dresser is totally cool. And, yes, probably harder than it looks.

  14. What creative ideas --i love the staircase so different from things i've seen.

  15. The staircase does it for me. How fab it would look in shades of blues and gray.

  16. Wow!...seemingly aggressive and definitely creative.

  17. I like them both and like you, I wonder how tricky it'd be to paint the dresser. I'm sure I would make it a very messy ordeal. :)

  18. Hah, I love that dresser. I mess up and drip paint all the time, but I never would have thought to make it a "thing." Awesome.

  19. i LOVE the dripping paint dresser! what a cool effect. i just picked up a copy of living etc. in london and was surprised at how great the content is! i'm feeling very inspired :) have a happy weekend, love!

  20. ack! i hate these! but i have a headache, so maybe i am just being rude and mean today.

    lately i've had the urge to buy an ugly house and make it pretty. that is a tall order, on both counts!

  21. drollgirl- hahaha. i love the honesty. if you buy an ugly house, will you let me paint the banister in crazy colors b/c then you can just paint over it and i can see how it works. deal?

  22. The dresser looks so nice! I would never think that dripped paint could look so good! I have to practice on something too and then paint my dresser.


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