Friday, May 7, 2010

Happy Friday

via 3 Lambs Graphics {seen on decor8}
Whew, it's Friday!  I have to admit that after the craft fair, I have been very lazy about doing any shop related work. VERY.  I have neglected my shop, blog reading, my handsome fiance, my friends and my house work for a book.  Oh yes. A book.  I'm addicted, and I can't stop reading and I'm slightly embarrassed over the fact that I have dark circles under my eyes because I CAN'T put this book down in order to get adequate sleep.  I've ordered the next two in the series so it looks like I'll be pretty useless for a while.  I do plan on adding a ton of new items to the shop tomorrow assuming I can put my book down long enough to take photographs. 
So now that you know my dirty little secret, tell me, what are you up to this weekend?  Any special Mother's Day plans?  Do tell.
p.s. do NOT even think about starting this series unless you plan on putting a huge pause button on your daily life. There's no turning back once you've started...


  1. I'll be honest... I haven't even heard of this series. But my interest is piqued.

  2. good for you! when I love a book I turn addicted too. I'm taking my son to his first rugby game on Saturday. Hope the weather keeps up. have a great one! xo

  3. mm.. I've been "reading" 2 diff books for the last year - awfully unsuccessful. So I can't think about a new "series". LOVE the poster - think I ned one of those just to motivate me everyday. Weekend plans? My beg. photo class is taking a field trip to a farm. NM that we haven't even taken one pic in class or turned on the camera to figure it out. Happy Friday and weekend!

    xx Vivian @

  4. I always love a good book and like you, when sucked in..there's no turning back!! Enjoy the "escape". :) Happy weekend!

  5. I totally understand, after my last craft fair I actually put my etsy shop on vacation for a few days... they can be so exhausting! :)

  6. Happy Friday Christina!! You totally deserve a break! I am glad you are enjoying your book! I hope you have a nice, restful weekend!! :)

  7. I can never say no to an all consuming book... I'll be checking it out soon! Maybe even a little Mother's Day gift to myself!

  8. I had not heard of this series of books before. Some books are just too hard to put down until done.

  9. i'll have to see what all the fuss is about! i love this print and the dress in the post below. have a fantastic weekend and enjoy your book!

  10. Ahhh, Outlander. Jamie, Jamie, Jamie. I've read them all.

  11. Oh the book series obessions happens to me all the time too! Don't worry. Time can stand still for a while. Mother's Day for me is a prohibitively expensive orchid for my mother and serving her afternoon tea.

  12. oh my god, me too! i have not made one thing this week. not one. not one. i ordered some new fabric to motivate me. that craft fair kicked my ass. glad that you're relaxing and taking some time to read. i'd say we both deserve it!

  13. Sounds like an awesome book! I am a true book junkie and you got me with this one. Time Traveler's Wife was one of my all time favorites and this is a little similar. Maybe for vacation next month :)

  14. I haven't heard of the book, but I'm not too big on romance, but i trust your tastes!

  15. Well, I'm the opposite - I haven't finished a book in I don't know how long because of everything else going on. And I miss reading! Enjoy!

  16. Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

    xoxo Laura


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