Friday, May 21, 2010

Happy Friday + Sponsorship

Happy Friday friends!  I can't tell you how much I'm looking forward to a break although tomorrow I'll be working like a madwoman to photograph and list a ton of new hairpins, rings, and brooches for the shop.  Have I mentioned that through my awesome sponsors and sales in the shop I've been able to quit my Saturday gig so now I have more time to focus on the shop and on normal weekend activities?  I can't tell how thankful I am for all of your support as it has literally changed how I'm able to function.

Speaking of sponsorship, I'm accepting new sponsors for the next couple of months, so if you're interested, please e-mail me at for affordable rates.
Tomorrow we have a new edition of Down and Out Dapper so be sure to check it out! I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  Any fun plans?
p.s. I'm honored that D&OC was chosen as one of the Top 50 Apartment Decoration sites by Renters Insurance.  Check out the article here

{images: first image; second image is of my own pups. They're great sales dogs, aren't they?}


  1. Wow, that's great! It's amazing how much support there is in the webby world!

  2. I'm happy to hear things are going really well for you!! Have a fabulous weekend. I just spotted, over to my right, your sweet little cameo earrings....should check those out ;)

  3. oh and is that a german shorthaired pointer? i have one too!

  4. Congratulations on all the good news! You totally deserve it! Have a great weekend and stop by if you can for my new giveaway. It's the biggest one yet. :)


  6. Congrats! So exciting and well deserved. Have a great weekend.

  7. so glad your business is doing well! you work hard for your money, and you deserve success! IN SPADES!

    and i hope you have a FANTASTIC weekend!

    p.s. let me know if you ever need a dogsitter! your babies are SO CUTE! :)

  8. If you are considering sponsoring....I am a sponsor of Down and Out Chic and I am thrilled with the traffic my shop has received. Also, Christine is an excellent and gracious blogger and I am pleased to work with her!

  9. congrats on the article, that is so great! happy weekend - hope you have a lovely one friend! xo.

  10. wow, congrats!!

    will email you about the sponsorship too. :)

  11. Congrats and SUPER cute photos :)

  12. Wow, congrats on being chosen for Top 50 Apartment Decorations Sites, Christina! Much deserved :) And I'm so happy for you that you've been able to quit the Saturday job!

  13. That's amazing! Congrats, you work really hard to bring us the goods!


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