Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Well Intended

As you know, tomorrow is Earth Day and I'm especially looking forward to it this year because with the increased blog coverage on this important day, I'm bound to find a bunch of new eco-friendly boutiques, designers, and tips to add  to my little bag of tricks.  Tomorrow I'll be posting a list of online shops that are both eco-friendly and affordable because I'm a true believer that everyone regardless of how small a budget you live on can afford quality earth friendly products.  Today though, I'd like to share some good intentions from Citizen Scholar's "I've been meaning to series."

Some of my personal goals this year include:
- Buy more vintage, thrifted, upcycled, and handmade products. 
-Use my eco-friendly totes each and every time I go shopping (I have a tendency to forget these at home).
-Include more posts with the "Do More with Your Money" label.
-actively support local farmers through 'Locally Grown' program here in Athens. 
-Budget and save for splurges on eco-friendly/ethically conscious products.  I don't want to surround myself with more stuff because it's cheap.  I'd rather have fewer, quality items that will last and reduce my personal waste.  A good example of this is my recent splurge on these shoes

So now that I've shared some goals, I'd love to hear yours.  What are you intentions for reducing your carbon footprint this year?  The goals needn't be extreme.  I'd love to hear even the smallest eco-conscious goals!


  1. What a good post! I definitely agree that investing in quality products is a great place to start. I would love to remember to bring bags to the store, more. I even have them in my car, and just space out when it comes to bringing them inside.

  2. What a good post! I definitely agree that investing in quality products is a great place to start. I would love to remember to bring bags to the store, more. I even have them in my car, and just space out when it comes to bringing them inside.

  3. these are such good goals! i am trying to do similar stuff: buy natural cleaning chemicals (BUT THEY HAVE TO WORK), buy produce from farmer's market, be less wasteful, but vintage, and try and re-work things rather than always buying new stuff. :)

  4. indeed!!! so excited for earth day!

  5. These are excellent and very achievable goals. I can't wait to see tomorrow's post!

  6. Love your Earth Day post!

    I borrowed a picture from your Etsy store in a post about the Athens craft fair next weekend. I gave you credit for it, but I just wanted to let you know. If you would like for me to remove it, just let me know!

    Happy Earth Day!

  7. Great post! Just yesterday I posted some things I've done this year...including growing a garden and switching for plastic food storage to glass! No more tupperware.

  8. These drawings are so so beautiful. who did them?

  9. Maryam-there's a link to the Citizen Scholar's series that explains the project in my intro. These illustrations are from Joanna Neborsky.

  10. i think this is a great post - i've bought all my clothes second-hand for several years now and i recommend it! it makes you feel good plus it's great fun =)

  11. Great goals! I'm always forgetful of the bags, too so we just put them on the door knob or the coat rack, to not forget.
    We use biodegradable bags. They are a little bit more expensive, but since we can't do solar energy on our rooftop, or biodegrade our own plants, food, this is the closest we can do.

  12. loving these illustrations!


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