Thursday, April 29, 2010

Interiors: Touches of Gold

Touches of gold...not too much for me please, just a little here and there to add some glamour and whimsy to a space. 

 via Hus & Hem

For me, these spaces have just the right amount of playfulness and sophistication.  What do you think about gold accents? Would you like this look in your own home?


  1. oh the 2nd bedroom is so heavenly gorgeous! xo

  2. a little golden glow is always so lovely, too much would be too Liberace Las Vegas~


  3. I've been wanting to make a piece, very similar to that over the bed in the 2nd picture. I love it so much!

  4. Totally agree with you! As long as it is a warm, soft gold in little wisps here and there, it really can do a lot to glamorize and romance a space.

    Love these examples :)

  5. I love the bedroom! I love those gentle words of encouragement I am sure even the strongest marriages need.

  6. oh i love these, i've been loving gold lately

  7. These are fantastic! Love the wallpaper in the first one. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I LOVE the sign over the bed {and it looks like I am not the only one!}. It melts my heart. I read your previous post and it makes SO much sense. I am happy you were able to put it all in words.


  9. I'm with you - a dash of gold is just the thing. Love that beautiful antique table in the second pic. That's just the right amount for me!

  10. Gasp! I love that butterfly wallpaper! I can just imagine it in my home with a golden bedspread! YES!
    Lila Ferraro
    Queen Bedroom Sets

  11. #2 is so cute- what a perfect room for a happy couple :)

  12. I think the DREAM over the bed is gorgeous! I would love to have that over my bed.

  13. love. love. love. those pillows.

    xo Alison

  14. Hi Christina, found you on Marias Dreamy Whites blog. She linked to your last post about blogging and I was fascinated reading it. You are so right. Blogging is for sharing, for good days and bad days, for creativity and for meeting people all over the world with similar interests and taste. It is marvellous how supporting blogger-friends can be, when you're in a bad mood or condition. And it is so heartwarming reading the comments, visiting back and soaking up all these gorgeous impressions. Don't ever loose the truth about blogging ;0)

    Now to the bedrooms and the shades of gold... I love the second pic most. It is closer to my kind of living than the other two... I prefere white, grey and cream... more rustique but also a bit chic..

    wish you a perfect day,
    greetings from germany, Mira!

  15. I really love a bit of guilt in my life (although saying "I love gold" reminds me of that totally awesome SNL mock commercial for gold coin sellers). Anyway, yes, sign me up for more! These are great looks.

  16. Oh goodness, I just love gold. All so gorgeous!

  17. Love a little bit of gold here and there, it adds just the right amount of sparkle. That wallpaper in the first pic is lovely. K xx

  18. Their do beautiful! the colours are fantastic and i love the seating in the third picture! its gorgeous!

  19. Hi Christina! I've found your blog thanks to Maria at Dreamy Whites! I've read your last post on blogging and I think you couldn't describe blogland in a better way!
    Apart from that I've discovered a blog (yours, of course) full of many pictures on which dream about!

    Have a wonderful week end!

  20. Wow I love the second makes a "wordie" like me sigh. I did a post on my blog where I tried to replicate an old vintage subway sign but this white one on wood looks fab!
    Off to see more of your pretty blog. Love your D&OC header - very nice.

  21. I totally agree. Just recently added Gold back in our home here and there. {shocked, for years I avoided it like the plague!} but now, i love just a tiny. xo Lidy

  22. That heart quote over the bed is absolutely precious. And I would love a golden DREAM sign above my bed!!

  23. Touches of golds as well as the dash of golds are gorgeous.. I've been loving Gold lately so, i am so much in-love with those Bedroom and those words of encouragement in the 2nd photo.The Shots are FAB too.Inspiring.


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