Friday, April 23, 2010

It's Friday + dumb drunk girl knocked out my internet

Happy Friday dearest readers!  This is my last weekend to prepare for the craft show so I'll be turning out some last minute necklaces, tagging items, and working on some more DIY display items. I also have the goal of finishing the most recent Slow Readers Book Club pick which I haven't had time to fully dive into.  There's always time join if you're up to it!
Last night, some college girl ran her truck into the telephone pole outside of our front yard.  The good news is that the telephone pole stopped her from running into our yard/house, the bad news is that she knocked out our internet.  So to this girl (who is probably sitting in jail right now due to her brand new, shiny, not-so-stylish DUI), I would like to say, "Don't drink and drive anymore and certainly don't drink and drive AND text on your phone.  Oh, and definitely don't tell the police officers over and over again before your field sobriety test that you're a nursing student. As a nursing student, you should know that drinking and driving is a stupid idea and knocking out a blogger's internet will only make you enemies." Phew, I feel better now.
Enjoy your weekend and don't forget to check out the list of my favorite eco-friendly shops!


  1. Best of luck to you preparing! You are going to do always. {And thankfully your house wasn't hurt!!}

    You have a busy weekend, but I hope you enjoy it anyway!


  3. wow that is crazy!! at least no one got hurt! but what a pain to deal with.

  4. Haha, I'm glad you're okay! Anyway good luck getting ready for your show, I know how much work goes into that! And have a great weekend!

    xo Mary Jo

  5. THAT STUPID GIRL! i hope she is sitting in jail and that she has learned a lesson!

    cheers to you this friday, and i hope you have a super weekend.

    i am way behind and haven't even gotten that slow reader's book yet. ACK! must get on it!!!

  6. Wow, what a story! I'm so glad that telephone pole was there. If it's any consolation, that girl is going to be really screwed - you can't get a nursing license with a recent DUI on your record. Yikes.

    Hope your weekend goes well!

  7. gabby- so funny you mentioned that, my thoughts exactly. so sad to throw away your future b/c of a night out. thankfully, she didn't kill anyone.

  8. Ugh, a DUI is one of my greatest fears!

  9. goodness gracious Christina!
    thankfully no one was hurt, only her future career I guess!

  10. LOL!! i know it's not funny... but you made it sound so fantastically funny! Good luck preping for your show!!!

  11. Oh wow, poor girl sounds like an idiot. Glad she didn't hit your house, however! I hope you have a great weekend (drunk pole-hitting gal free).

  12. Oh deary! Well - really I just hope this incident is a wake up call to her - drink driving is the single most dangerous thing you can do. So sorry to hear it upset your internet but very thankful the telephone pole stopped her.

    On a lighter note - best of luck prepping for the big market!!!Have a lovely weekend! XO's

  13. awe that's stupid but I'm glad your okay!

    goodluck this weekend, sounds fun =)

  14. oh, that's awful!
    i hope you have a very lovely weekend to make up for it ♥

  15. I'm sorry about your internet, but I have to say, that's the catchiest blog title I've ever seen, so, brava!!

  16. Oh very sorry to know about your internet...
    Thank you for sharing...

  17. Oh my god. I'm so glad no one was hurt in that idiotic story. Honestly, I can't believe some people.

  18. Naughty nursing student. Good luck for the craft show!

  19. Oh crap! Seriously, I mean, she could have really hurt someone but that is just so unfortunate for you! I would be LIVID, glad she got caught, at least! Maybe she'll think before she does it again!

  20. Hope you had a great weekend and no more drunkies hit poles!

  21. are you serious?!! crazy people.
    so sorry about that! hope its back up for you!

  22. OMG!!! its so bad that, that makes me laugh!! OMG!

  23. ahhh, now i know what you meant in your email about the internet. crazy girl!!


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