Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Wood Paneling, rethought

I'm just going to come out and say instead of skirting around the issue.  I have never been a fan of wood paneling.  On the rare occasion that I actually like it, it's because it's in a cabin somewhere which means I'm on vacation and would be fine staying in the back of my car if it meant I didn't have to work. Alas, I ran across the latest issue of House Beautiful and low and behold the feature was the use of wood in spaces. Skeptically, I bought the issue and, surprisingly, I really like these spaces. 

all images scanned via House Beautiful April '10
You may notice that the spaces I've chosen all feature wood that's light or white so maybe I'm not a full blown fan, but I'm definitely coming around.  What are your thoughts on wood panneled walls? Yay, nay, maybe, never?  


Erin {House of Turquoise} said...

LOL I'm with you on the wood paneling! I saw that cover and changed my mind though...this whole issue had so much pretty wood!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

You might have sold me on the wood paneling as long as it is light! But the insect poster above the tub is a bit too 'eeeewwww' for me!

René said...

I'm with you, not a huge fan, but if it's on the horizontal...not so bad.

We Blog Artists said...

I really like the light washed out panelling...
definite YES!

Tiffany said...

I love it too, especially on ceilings with arches.


Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, so need to get my hands on this issue. That first dining room is DROP DEAD!

Amanda said...

i think the wood panels give it a more vintage touch! especially white wood panelling!



Tania said...

I have a theory the secret to the aesthetic wood thing is in the width of the panels. Oh, and the colour, oh and the right amount. Actually, scrap that, wood panelling is fraught and I'd be too chicken to try but I LOVE the bathroom version...

Shorely Chic said...

Funny you just posted this - I picked up the issue and was reading in bed (before realizing I wasn't tired so here I am, back on the mac!). I am struggling with this issue - I am really trying to like the wood - but I don't. All the photos seem a bit cold, and almost like there are definitely spiders creeping around - do you know what I mean? Funny enough, they have a poster of insects in the bathroom...

Nikki said...

I love wood paneling...painted white. Our family beach house has a whole load of it that no one will let me paint. It. Kills. Me.

Anonymous said...

I agree that wood panelling is not usually a beautiful thing...but it seems that {as my posh sister always says} YOU CAN PULL OFF ANYTHING IF YOU DO IT RIGHT. These rooms feature design elements that pull it all together, so the final effect is...well, stunning!

Unknown said...

I actually have wood panelling on my ceiling in my rental house. It is only in my room and in the bathroom. It is odd... REALLY odd. But I kinda like it. Sometimes I stick my feet up in the air while I'm laying in bed and pretend I'm actually stuck to the ceiling and I'm floating.

Karena said...

I have to say that I only like paneling when It is painted white or cream, the same with most bead board. It just reminds me too much of my early years and seems dated!

Art by Karena

Diana said...

I love wood, but all I think are splinters >_<

Formerly known as Frau said...

Our old home in Utah when we bought it all wood paneling knotty alder...it worked cause our style was rustic. But if I could afford it I would rip it out in a heartbeat!

Courtney said...

Wow - these rooms are gorgeous. I'll need to pick up this issue.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

so warm & cozzzy, I have wood panels in the family room...I'm thinking of painting it though!

Felicia|DaLipstickBandit said...

love the windows in the 3rd room!

Unknown said...

We had ugly wood paneling in one apartment and the landlord painted it cream, and it turned out fine. I really like whitewashed wood!

Wally said...

I´m with you on this all the way. When I see wood panels I think of the strange walls my parents glued up on me and my sisters walls in the 70ies - Yirk!. But yes, the ones you show makes me think again - maybe in the summerhouse I am dreaming of.

jdavissquared said...

the house i grew up in had awful dark wood panelling from the 70's. I've never been a fan either, but I do think if done right it can be quite nice!

LINDSAY said...

When house shopping if we saw the terms "full of knotty pine" we ran for the hills! Too dark and too much grain for me. Some of these you show are quite nice though.

drollgirl said...

it's the wood that makes it good! my dad is a super woodworker, so i always have a soft spot for gorgeous wood decor. :)

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