It's been a while since we've done a Humpday Spotlight but I really enjoy sharing with you the blogs that I'm currently finding inspiring and I thought it was time for another. For those of you that may not know, beauty comma is a Norwegian blog written/curated by Trudi. I really enjoy the thoughtfulness Trudi puts in her posts and the positivity I sense whenever I visit. I've asked her three simple questions to get to know this lovely blogger a little bit more.

Describe yourself in three words.
Almost on schedule

What inspires your blogging? Another way to put that is, why do you blog?
I blogged about interior design for a year and a half, but at some point, I started feeling fenced in by my own blog. I wanted a blog about other things as well, and I also wanted to include a little bit more about my life. This is why I created beauty comma, which is sort of a lookbook of everything I find beautiful. I want to work with visual aesthetics as an idea, and I get inspired when I find a picture that matches the mood I'm in or something I'm thinking about. beauty comma is my playground really! I know many people think that "blogs with pretty pictures" are uninteresting, but why shouldn't we promote beauty and goodness? I'm very happy to be part of a vast - and I'm proud to say, largely female- community of positive thinking.

Since V-day is coming up, I thought I'd ask a holiday themed question. A lot of people have loaded feelings about Valentine's day. How do you feel about V-day? Yay or nay?
We haven't really got a tradition for Valentine's day in Norway - except for the last years, when I've noticed that many shops have started exploiting it for all it's worth. I'm saying nay to V-day if the shopping industry makes us feel compelled to buy even more stuff, and yay if it makes us do something nice and creative for someone we love.

Thank you Trudi!
If you're looking for a new blog to add to your reading list, I definitely suggest beauty comma.
{All the images are from beauty comma and the link will take you to the post and sources.} ~
Winner of Paper Thin Design's custom portrait giveaway is

#43, Jennifer! I'll be in touch shortly and congrats!
Must check out this blog~
V day is always lovely... even-though I'm single & ready to mingle...LOVE is a beautiful thing always*
thank you for having me, christina - and for the lovely words!
wonderful post, and adorable dress!!
awesome. loved reading this!
What a wonderful blog! I will definitely check it out!
xo Mary Jo
yay for jennifer! she's awesome!
Another great spotlight, Christina. I enjoyed Trudi's old blog and her new one is lovely as well.
Delightful! Your pictures are always so inspirational. xo
lovely words.
and pretty pretty dress!
Trudi has a gorgeous blog - I'm a fan!! Lovely interview - you ask such interesting questions!
what a lovely blog!...and a really nice interview :)
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