Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Are you really small or I am really big?

I came across these incredibly interesting photographs on Fresh Picked and I had to share because my love for all things miniature is getting stronger. All of these prints are available for purchase here.

Sugar sugar 3



Sin of Gluttony/Chocolate

{all photos via Le Minis de Dongedy}
Why are all of these little people battling the sweet goodness that surrounds them? For instance, if I could, I think it'd be bathing in that Nutella and then licking it off of myself (wait, no, no I wouldn't, this is not that type of blog mind you).
The lucky winner of the Off Switch Designs stationary pack that includes more cards than I can count is...
# 68! That would be Steph chows!!! Thank you Off Switch Designs for such an nice giveaway!
Make sure to visit Katie's shop if you haven't already!
Fret not if you haven't won something yet, there is plenty more to come, muuuahahahahahaha.


Rachel Follett said...

Oh cool! I am really into miniature scenes like this one to lately. I just saw an episode on This American Life where this man sets up this whole miniature town in his backyard and the theme to it is WWII. Really neat stuff.



...I like the tiny "Candy Man"..concept.

Iva Messy said...

NUTELLA!!! now I am starving!!


Congratulations to the winner!

Anonymous said...

I love these!! Especially that Nutella one! How nifty :) I'm a big fan of miniature stuff too :)

nicole mountz said...

i agree with the nutella bath ;)

Aline said...

those are so freaking cool!

justsomethoughts... said...

yeah. see. the nutella is not something to escape from. more like something to escape to.

Maria | Vintage Simple said...

This reminded me of:


Tons of crazy fun stuff.


natalie said...

I love these pictures!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Nutella - yum! I've been dying to buy an ebelskiver pan and make some stuffed pancakes with Nutella! Love these photographs, love Fresh Picked!

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

So witty! reminds me of the land of Lilliput...

umama said...

These are such fun!!! And nutella, gotta love it!

Anonymous said...

Sweetness! Thanks for the link, my friend. I love DongedyFrame. I'm all about the miniatures. And Nutella is delicious.

FEDERICA said...

Oh Nutella!! Sooo yummy!!!

Pixel Wild Child said...

He he heeee! So fun! My favourite is the Nutella one! Can you imagine a Nutella pot you could swim into? ;O) Paradiseeeeeeee!!!

NikkiO said...

check this site out. I love this photographer.

I have two pictures in our home - the one with the fender and one with two guys painting a flower. love them! Thanks for showing me the others.

Gabby said...

Love these! I need the Nutella one!

Angela said...

how cute.

Sam said...

Crazy fun!! Well spotted!

Felicia|DaLipstickBandit said...

lol @ no this is not that type of blog.

peoplecrush.blogspot.com said...

Wish I had seen this on Monday morning. That's when I really needed a good laugh.

Samantha said...


Very interesting perspective.

Mmmmh. Nutella.

Sabine, La Marquise des anges said...

this is so lovely and adorable ... i really like her work ...; and her etsy shop :)

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