...to my sponsors who make my little blogging world turn round and round. Dearest readers- have you checked them out yet? Here are some of my favorite pieces...
Silk Hand Embroidered Suzany Pillow

Organic Sterling Bangles- Made to order

Retro wine glass charms

Onyx Wings necklace

Embossed Leather Dune Bailey Travel and Weekender Tote

Psssssttttt....I have Sponsor slots open so if you're an artist or run a small business please consider advertising on Down and Out Chic. I'm currently running a 3 month special that's super-duper affordable.
{e-mail me at downandoutchic@gmail.com}
you have such great sponsors!! I'm always clicking on their links lol..I love their stuff. A little bit of style, and design, great accessories....great one stop shopping on Down & Out Chic! How sweet of you to show appreciation to them :)
Glad to 'see' you back! :)
I love my jess lc necklace!
I like the organic bracelets the best! Great stuff!
LOVE those wine charms!
Yay! Thanks for sharing...that pillow is adorable.
I love that necklace!!
Thanks for the shout out! I am now an avid reader:)
You definitely have some lovely sponsors lady! That pillow is gorg!
love love love that necklace! must have pronto!
you have such a great group!
Oooh! Lovely, lovely, lovely! Pillow especially cute as!
Great sponsors! Loving on that handbag :D
i love your header.
i love your blog and the effort put into it. you can tell you really love it.
Okay...I need to know more about this! :)
your blog is gorgeous! i love the sponsors, very fitting.
xx. Jenny from Lovely At Your Side
Cheers to your great sponsors!
Beth Cyr Jewelry design is simply gorgeous!
Your sponsors are amazing! I love their work. I'll definitely check out all of their stores :)
Love that pillow and dragonfly necklace. Really pretty!
I adore the bangles (very Indian) and the Onyx wings necklace. Gorgeouuusss.
Thanks Christina! You're the best!! I am truly honored to be your friend and will do everything I can to keep you blogging away... and maybe get some time off too :)
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