Monday, February 25, 2013

Art: Katt Frank

My love of food illustration continues with UK based freelance illustrator Katt Frank. Her hand lettered type makes these illustrations extra special and I'm particularly fond of her collections like these cornish cheeses or things I found in my kitchen today. The last illustration rings most true on a Monday morning, don't you think? Coffee is certainly making my world go round! Find more of Katt's work on her blog and a few of her illustrations are for sale here
Happy Monday friends! Hope your week is awesome. 


  1. Fantástico el descubrimiento que nos has hecho.
    Soy una enamorada de las ilustraciones.

  2. These are so cute! I hope your week is off to a great start as well :)

  3. These are great! I love the rough/messy style.

  4. Super cute! I love the halibut illustration.

    Very true about coffee making the world go 'round!

    Kate from Clear the Way

  5. I love illustrations! Beautiful! I greet and I invite you to my blog:)


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