Thursday, January 31, 2013

Paper Goods: 20 Valentine's Day Cards

one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight // nine // ten // eleven // twelve // thirteen // fourteen // fifteen // sixteen // seventeen // eighteen // nineteen /// twenty 
Oh my goodness, so many V-day cards! How does one choose? I'm pretty impressed that I narrowed it down to twenty favorites but I really need to decide on just one. Do you have any favorites?


  1. I love the smitten kitten one! So cute!

  2. I love the smitten kitten one too! But then there's "You blow me away" which is also really cute. Honestly, most of them are pretty awesome (I don't get the lobster one though), but I think those two are the best.

  3. #19 is super cute! love you friend. have a great weekend!

  4. Best cards ever! I love the little bunny couple!


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