Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Holiday Recap

We traveled back to our home state for the holidays. 
Spent lots of time with family including my oh so stylish niece (notice our matching coats?). 
I received lots of generous gifts including a Julie Nolan necklace, a scarf hand knitted by a sweet friend, and the two of the tops pictured above. Even the curl in my hair was new thanks to a curling iron gifted by my sweet mother-in-law. 
And, of course, I ate and drank lots of not-so-good for you things, all of which were delicious.
Even with 9 days between Atlanta and Athens, I didn't have enough time to catch up with everyone I would have liked to see. But, I'm grateful for every second I did get to spend with family and friends. Since we've moved away from GA, I'm really learning to appreciate these visits as they are few and far between. How was your holiday? Are you excited about the New Year? I know I am! Happy 2013!

check out more photos from our trip here


  1. Happy New Year! May all your dreams come true...

  2. Happy New Year!
    Glad you had a wonderful time with your family! I was supposed to go visit mine, but unfortunately my pup was really sick so I had to cancel my flight! But I do have to say, I
    Really enjoyed the time with my friends. I realize I has really wonderful friends. :)
    I hoe to fly out sometime in January to visit them that is my first goal in 2013 to accomplish! Then, it will be day by day and lots of travel plans for the year!

  3. Had no idea you were from Georgia! Gotta love home! Glad you spent time with your loved ones!
    The Introverted Brunette

  4. Happy 2013 to you, too! I had a nice holiday and am greatly looking forward to this new year. I'm glad you were able to enjoy your visit. It's so hard to live away from loved ones!

    Kate from Clear the Way

  5. Lovely photos -- it looks like your time in Georgia was well spent :) Hope all is well with you, and happy 2013!


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