Wednesday, December 12, 2012

6 Things

01// astrology calendar $20 by prismatic print shop 02// mini planters $24-29 by wind & willow home 03// ampersand print $13.50 by calamari studio 04// mittens $39.67 by ann moore 05// earrings $55 by the angry weather 06// brooch $16.53 by sweet bestiary

My oh my, where does the time go? It has been over a month since my last 6 things which is crazy seeing as how sharing handmade gems is one of my favorite topics for the blog. I guess the rush of the holiday season has left me scurrying a bit, hence the lack of gift guides. Oh well, you win some, you lose some I guess. Speaking of gifts, how's the holiday shopping going? I'm almost done and still within budget! Whew. Who's ready for a vacation?

24 Merry Days (if you haven't checked this out, you should. The prizes are amazing!):
Day #10 - Oh The Lovely Things
Day #11- Design Crush


  1. Loving that brooch. Tis month is flying by, I haven't even had a chance to blog:(. I have been busy with the holiday charity stuff that i do every year and my sick pup.... so i have half my shopping down and I still don't know who is going to take care of my dog while I am gone over Christmas so it's making me stressed out.
    Ok enough of my ranting, hopefully I can get back into blogging soon, need to catch up on your writings.

  2. I'm almost done with the holiday shopping! I love those quartz earrings! I'm going to add those to my Christmas list! =)

    Ergo - Blog

  3. I need to learn about budgeting--I don't do it at all! And then my checking account depletes and I bite my fingernails until my next paycheck. It's a terrible system. I am, however, done Christmas shopping, which is revolutionary, given that I'm almost always scrambling at the last minute.

  4. I love all of these...they are so uniquely designed!


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