Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wish list 11.6.12

1// zodiac necklace (cancer's my sign) $45 2// circus wool hat $58 3// chelsea ankle boot $68 4// philosophy candy cane body wash $16 5// sea mist leather pouch $30

This is the time of year when my wish list posts become really fun for me because I know my husband actually looks at these posts (I'm pretty sure it's the only time he looks at the blog, hi B!). He's actually told his friends at work who complain that they have no idea what to get for their wives for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc. and B likes to tell them that I keep an ongoing wish list so he's always has lots of items to choose from. In which they respond, "no way man, that's awesome." So I'd like to think in writing these posts that I'm actually doing my husband a favor. And yes, in case you were wondering, almost all the gift I've received for my birthdays and the holidays over the past couple of years have come from this series. I've loved every single one of them. Go figure.

p.s. happy voting! 


  1. Ooh this is a fabulous list, I love each item!

  2. It is so hard to find gift ideas around Xmas and birthdays. I wish you would give me some hint about what you want.

    <3 B


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