Friday, November 2, 2012

Interiors: A portrait above the bed

Currently, we have this set of DIY fabric pieces above our bed (made in 2009, they've moved around quite a bit) and I think it's time to change things up. I like the idea of a simple portrait above the bed. It's simple yet unexpected, don't you think?

Need more portrait inspiration? Here's another roundup featuring classic portraits as decor. Have a great weekend!

images: 1) design*sponge 2) design files 3) María Lladó via desire to inspire 4) design*sponge 5) apartment therapy


  1. Would it be of a known or unknown person? Would you feel as though this person was watching you sleep or do other unmentionables? I used to have a portrait in my bedroom, but it was just a random portrait. I can't imagine having great aunt Sally watching me do my thing :)

  2. haha, I had thought about that. It would have to be a random portrait, for sure. I don't want to anyone "staring" at me while I sleep :)

  3. Great post, as I love portraits
    I have been waiting to change my bedroom up a bit and I see a few in this post that have inspired me to begin working on items to change up this winter. Like that textured pillow, so easy to crochet with the lacy bedcover with abut if a challenging crochet pattern

  4. I love the looks of these! I live in earthquake territory though (CA), so I would be very afraid to have something so heavy about my bed!


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