Friday, September 14, 2012

Beach Bound

image via here and here

I'm headed to the gulf coast tomorrow for a much needed, much anticipated beach vacation. This week-long vacation is the longest I've had in over 7 years (no, that is not a typo, 7!). I have a bag full of books and a few bikinis and I'm pretty sure that's all I'll need, right? Oh, and let me not forget the husband or beer. Two other essentials. I plan on popping in at some point next week, but who knows, I hear soaking up the sun makes one rather lazy. Cheers!


  1. What a dream! I hope your vacation is perfectly relaxing, as I'm sure it will be. I miss beaches down south so badly!

  2. 7 years, wow. Def deserve it. Enjoy!

  3. Wow, you have me beat, albeit not by much! My last "real" vacation was my honeymoon, 6 1/2 years ago. ;-)

    Hope you have a fantastic time!!

  4. wow, have a great time. very cool pic, btw!

  5. Wow! Enjoy it my dear, sounds like it is well over due!!!!

  6. Have a wonderful time! Much deserved! Enjoy every shine sne ray and beer and many moments with B


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