Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Interiors: Bits of Ochre

Ahhhh ochre. So warm and inviting, no?

If you're looking for a little more drama, ochre becomes even richer when combined with purple.

On a side note, have you checked out my tumblr page lately? There are lots of yummy interiors over there as well.

images: 1// michael graydon via desire to inspire; 2// design*sponge, 3// deborah berke & partners; 4// at home at home;  5// mrs jones 7// the design files 8// design*sponge


  1. beautiful!! I'm trying to pick my favourite image...but i actually can't. Love this post.
    Maria x

  2. oh my! i love the purple chair in the 5th picture!!! its a great color and shape.


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