Friday, March 19, 2010

Giveaway: 6 prints from Matouenpeluche

Happy Friday!  This weekend's giveaway comes to us from the very talented Sam of Matou en Peluche.  Sam's work is simply exceptional and I bet most of you are already familiar with it (she's been featured here before).  Sam is incredibly talented, prolific, creative, humble and kind to boot. I've been following Sam's blog and shop since I started blogging and I can tell you that her work only gets better and better.
Sam is offering 6 small prints (4x6) to the winner of this giveaway.  If you've been wanting to start an art wall or are looking for prints to fill it out, this is definitely the opportunity for you.  I have two of Sam's prints in my bathroom and they make me smile every morning when I get ready for work (that is no lie).
How to enter? (up to 3 entries)
1.  Visit Matou en Peluche and tell me what you like. This entry is mandatory to win.
2. If you're a regular reader of D&OC you get a second entry. Just let me know how you follow.
3. Blog, Tweet, or Facebook about this giveaway and let me know you did.  Make sure to leave a separate comment!

Links for Matou en Peluche:

Good luck and happy weekend!


Trisha said...

Ooh, tough to choose! I love her aesthetic.

1.) I think my faves are "Cat and the Canary" and "Spring Sweetheart."

2.) I follow you in Google Reader.

Thanks for the chance to win!

Unknown said...

2nd entry: I follow via Reader.

Unknown said...

I like the Little Robin Red Breast - Original drawing charcoal and pastel. It's so sweet!
- Danielle

Mrs. DeRaps said...

I posted info about this giveaway on my blog:


Mrs. DeRaps said...

Here's what I LOVE at Matou en Peluche:

All American Girl
Pandora in Rouge
Invitation Only
A Day in the Life of Blue Bird of Happiness
Patron Saint of Hummingbirds
Diana the Reader of Bird Books

Mrs. DeRaps said...

I'm a follower of D&O Chic!!

rachel red lips said...

i'm a big fan of the 20's gals and kitties!

also, i follow your blog via blogspot!


natalie said...

I follow via Google!

natalie said...

I love The Italian Love Bandit! :)

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

so difficult to chose! Everything is so pretty!
great giveaway! Thanks

Unknown said...

second entry, I follow you on google reader.

Unknown said...

First entry, Madeline in Rouge is my favorite. It is so delicate and pretty!

Unknown said...

And I tweeted about it on twitter!

Living It At Home said...

I am a follower too!

Thank you,


Living It At Home said...

I really love her bird prints! So cute. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful giveaway.


Jodi Kendall said...

second entry... I'm a Blogger/Google follower :)

Enjoy your weekend - the weather down here in the south is gorgeous! Remind me why I moved up to NYC again?!

Jodi Kendall said...

what a great giveaway!

I adore.... "A Day in the Life" and "Blue Boy" !

casey said...

Second entry: I am a follower of your blog :]

casey said...

I love the bird illustrations! My favorite has to be The Cat and the Canaries.

Anonymous said...

I love love love Sam's artwork so it's really hard to narrow down my favorites! But I think Virginia and Day Dreaming are my favorites :D

Also I follow!

Anonymous said...

And I tweeted! :D

liz said...

Of course I'm a follower!

liz said...

These prints are fantastic! I love the close up of the girls faces like Coco!

le Méli Mélo de Val said...

I follow you via Google Reader

le Méli Mélo de Val said...

I love Louise print, pandora in red and Gothic Goddess

Natasha said...

I love all the birds! I'm posting this on my Twitter {@natasheebear}!

aaaa said...

and i'm a follower too :)


Natasha said...

I'm also a regular! I've been reading for over a year - your in my Google Reader favorites folder!

aaaa said...

they are so sweet Christina :) they look so pretty..

my favs are: coco print,the italian love bandit, louise: 8&11pastel print, bonnie: print of original charcoal and pastel print, art deco evenings: 8&12 print, and spring flowers print..

above all, they are all awesome :)


Jenna said...

I also follow you in Google Reader!

Jenna said...

I love:

-Deer Love (that one's for my fiance!)
-Diana the Reader of Bird Books
-Two Turtle Doves
-Madeline in Rouge
-Dove of Peace

Fun giveaway!

Ashley said...

So exciting! I love all of his work! If I must choose, my three favorites are:

1. Robin Kong
2. Pandora in Rouge
3. Hello Beautiful

But I also like a lot of the others!

I am a follower of D&OC through Lesley of Homemade Grits. Love your blog!

katandkarl said...

I love the Garbriela, Charlotte, and Joan print. I am also a google reader follower!

S and O said...

her shop is so pretty and her prints are just awesome!

Olivia :)

Sarah S said...

I absolutely love all the prints. Especially any of the flapper-style girls. I bought three of her prints last Christmas and they are framed just about my vanity. I feel extra glamorous getting ready with "the girls." I would love to get them some friends!

I also follow D&OC on bloglines.


Iva Messy said...


Iva Messy said...

ohhh Sam's stuff is amazing!! really each one is super fabulous!!

this is so cute and fun:

and this:


yay!!! good luck to everyone!

Happy Friday Christina!!!

let the countdown to spring begin!!


jes [a mountain bride] said...

i follow you.

jes [a mountain bride] said...

I love the birdie portraits...and think a wall full of them would be terribly adorable. I think I need them. To bring the songs of springtime to our dark hallway.


Germaine said...

Also: linked to the giveaway on my Facebook!

Germaine said...

1) Love so many, but my top three are:

1. Rabbit in Scented Dandelion
2. Spring Blossoms
3. Little Cardinal

This is my first time visiting your blog, but won't be my last. Have added you to my Google Reader. Probably won't qualify, but just so you know! :)

Iraildes said...

Quero um de cada rs
Amei tudo lindo!!!

Kitty Stampede said...

I adore the Pink Pussycat,Gabriela, Diana the reader of bird books but honestly that was soooo hard. I love all her stuff...amazing..
Oh, Oh and I LOVE Friday Night Pink stockings.
Sam is soooo fab and I couldn't agree more with the words you used to describe her. She is wonderful.

Blayne Macauley said...

I love every single bird print! Especially the one in the little vest :) :)

Blayne Macauley said...


Blayne Macauley said...

I'm a follower

Jackie said...

Follower via google reader

Jackie said...

I love all of her birds. And I really love " A day in the life of the blue bird of happiness"

Brooke Petersen said...

I'm a follower on google reader!

Brooke Petersen said...

I love everything! I think the dove of peace print is absolutely beautiful- perhaps I just have a thing for a pink dove?!?

hannah, heart city said...

so sweet! its so hard to pick, but i love a day in the life of the blue bird of happiness!

Jacquie said...

I'm a follower xo

Jacquie said...

I'm a massive fan of Samantha's and already have quite a few of her beautiful prints. So many more that I'd like though!
Eg Elizabeth in Pink.

Capricious Traveler said...

I am a follower through bloglovin.

Capricious Traveler said...
Love this one! I have a few prints from this seller already, and i would love more!
*Fingers crossed*

Sam said...

A Thousand thank yous dear Christina!! I will post a link to this post as soon as I get home tomorrow (currently at Dad's = no internet :( am at a "cafe"!) You make my work look so purdy the way you've arranged it!!! :0)

shan said...

I follow via Google reader!

shan said...

I'm particularly smitten with "Lenore adores Dior" and "The Girl Who Loved Birds." So lovely!

Jess said...

And I follow via Reader :)

Jess said...

Ahhh! I love Sam, and all her work! My fave is Flying Kitten - I've got that one and a few more!

Jess said...

Aaaaaaaand I tweeted :D

Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys) said...

I have loved Sam's work for a while now. I have a few favourites but will leave you with the gorgeous Hello Beautiful print:

Marilyn said...


Marilyn said...

Oh please pick me! I love the mermaid prints, and really, any profile of any woman.

Courtney said...

What a fun shop! I love the style of illustrations, especially the art deco ones.

/ said...

and your blog is in my following list in blogger. good luck everyone!:)


/ said...

Awesome giveaway! It was quite difficult to choose one, because I liked more. But what I loved was the Hot Pink Bathing Beauty!
(and All American Girl, and Charlotte and..)

Wally said...

.. and yes, I follow on my Google Reader every day :o)

Wally said...

I love the drawings. Especially the kinds like: "Art Deco Decca" abd "Cinta" with their 20ies hats. Look like old fashion drawings. Just nice :-)

Gabbi said...

Always the BEST giveaways dear Christina.... I adore Sam and her work. My current fave is 'The Pink Pussy Cat'. Such a great scenario, love how her genius mind works.

Wishes for a lovely new week!

Anne B. said...

I really like the fashion birds:
GIFT SET - 4 X The Four Seasons - 4 X 6 prints.

abackman66 at

off switch said...

i love this one! heck, i love most of them!

off switch said...

i follow d&oc!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

I follow through google friend connect. :)

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Yay, I love Sam's work! She's an incredibly talented artist with a fabulous blog. It's so fun to see Sam's new drawings posted on her blog each week (and so tempting too!). I have 6 of her prints, and would love to add to my collection. I have too many favorites to list, but the birds James, Stefan, and My Little Chickadee would look great added to my collection, plus I still need a set of fabulous ladies. The Diana print is one of my favorites too!

Anonymous said...

And I am a follower!

Anonymous said...

Everything in her shop is so charming, I especially love the prints with birds :)

Shannon P said...

oh, and I follow on igoogle reader!

Shannon P said...

I love the 'Charlotte', the 'Art Deco Flapper' and the 'Art Deco Millie' for their 20's/30's inspired feel! Oh heck the whole shop is lovely!

Lacey said...

Ooh, what fun! I love any and all that have birds or cats.

Lacey said...

I'm also a follower on google/blogger!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

Just blogged about the giveaway :)

Courtney said...

My favourite is spring blossoms but I love them all!

mrs.stark said...

I also follow you with google reader. :)

mrs.stark said...

I'm really digging the Madeline in Rouge print!

Sarah Louise said...

Oh wow! I am so excited to see this giveaway! I really love her work. I especially love the birds in vest, the cat with canaries, and the girl with the bird tattoos!

Sarah Louise

Sarah Louise said...

I also tweeted the giveaway here:

Sarah Louise

Sarah Louise said...

I also am a reader of this blog in Google Reader!

Sarah Louise

A Happy, Jolly Girl said...

What an awesome giveaway!

My favorites are:
Robin Kong
The Italian Love Bandit
Diana the Reader of Bird Books
Dove of Peace
Monsieur Verne
Mr. P

What lovely art!


A Happy, Jolly Girl said...

My favorites are:

Mr. P
Monsieur Verne
The Italian Love Bandit
Robin Kong
Diana The Reader of Bird Books
Dove of Peace

What beautiful work. Thanks for the giveaway!!

A Happy, Jolly Girl said...

...and I just facebooked your giveaway! :)

A Happy, Jolly Girl said...

I just started following your blog. I relate to a lot of what you write have amazing taste!

Christy from fountains of home said...

I follow you through Google!

Christy from fountains of home said...

Love the Italian Love Bandit!
They're really original. I can see how they give you joy everyday!

Pixel Wild Child said...

I am a follower!!!

Pixel Wild Child said...

I really like all her prints, especially the ones with women depicted. My favourites are:
Paula and Jemma
Madeline in Rouge
Art Deco Evenings
FRIDAY NIGHT pink stockings

Lovely!!! Great giveaway!!!

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