Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Some BIG News

Last night, B and I celebrated our two year anniversary from the day we met. We celebrate this day because we haven't spent a day apart since.
If you were on Twitter last night, then you already know...
B asked me to marry him and I said yes!!!

Well, according to B, I didn't actually say "yes" for about a minute. I was completely caught off guard and in shock and stared, open mouthed at the ring. B had to prompt me a second time for my answer. He was so nervous.
Below is an awkward photo of me attempting to show off the gorgeous ring. It's taken from a weird angle and it makes me look like a teeny tiny person with a big head.

So, the ring is from the 1920's and it's a family heirloom. I'll be the fourth woman to wear it and I'm honored. We're so excited and very, very happy.
I've been beside myself wanting to share this news with you.


nelya said...

That is so wonderful! You look absolutely lovely and positively beaming. Congratulations and many, many happy years to come!

warmest wishes-nelya

evie said...


Anonymous said...

hugely hugest congratulations!

Southern Aspirations said...

oh my goodness, Christina, I am so happy for you! Congratulations!!

Morgan said...

WAHOO! Congratulations! How exciting!

carolina @ patagonia gifts said...

congratulations Christina! those are really great, great news! you both look sooo happy! best wishes! xo

Becky said...


carrie1 said...

Congrats on the engagment!

Runrgurl10 said...

Congrats, that's so exciting!!! I can't wait to see your wedding ideas since your design sense is awesome!

Unknown said...

oh my god congrats! that was a surprise even to me reading the post (i had to scroll down to read the "marry him")!!

Unknown said...


Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

I'm BEYOND excited for you Christina! Congratulations to you and B, you are going to have such a wonderful life together! XOXO -- Marsi

P.S. The ring is gorgeous, and even more special because of its history!

Haven and Home said...

YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!! That is so great! Can't wait to hear about the wedding planning!

Ginger said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations!!!! So happy for you two!

Sarah said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting!! Being engaged is the best part!

Live a Colorful Life said...

I get to be the first to say "WOO HOO"!!!!! Congrats!

In Honor Of Design said...

OH MY GOSH!!! What exciting news! So happy for you. Get ready for the best ride of your life! Marriage is wonderful.

Congrats girl!
:) Anna

bananas. said...

HOLY CRAPPOLA!!!! that's HUGE!!!!!!!!!!

i swear i thought you were married already...ha! which only means your union is meant to be.

BIG FATTY CONGRATS to you and B!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

yay! congrats! that is so exciting!!

aaaa said...

omg!! christina i'm so happy for you!! you look sooooooooo beautiful together :) and you seem to be extremely happy :)how cool!!


nicole mountz said...

what!?!?!?!? yayyyy!!! oh my gosh congratulations beautiful!! how exciting, and you look GORGEOUS in that photo! you lucky lady you!
its been a rush of a week but we are now engaged at the same time! josh and i got engaged almost two weeks ago! how exciting, cannot WAIT to hear all about your wedding plans lady! and i could not be happier for you two!!

Brunette and Pink said...

Congratulations to both of you! Wishing you a lifetime of joy!

Brunette and Pink said...

Congratulations to both of you! Wishing you a lifetime of joy!

Anonymous said...

I know I already congratulated you on Twitter, but here's another congratulations for you!!! Gosh, how cute are you two in those pictures?

Wishing you all the best!


Rachel said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! How exciting! The ring looks beautiful from that angle, and how special it is a family heirloom!

Iva Messy said...

I am so so so SO happy for you!!! Congratulations!!! {you lucky duck B!!!} ;) What a beautiful ring. really. what an honor to wear it!! EEK!! I am so excited!!

off switch said...

so incredibly happy for you two! gosh, i just know you'll have a beautiful wedding and a beautiful life together. can't wait! :)


Jen said...

CONGRATULATIONS!! What a nice way to start the new year.

Nikki said...

Congratulations! Can't wait to see some wedding related posts. What an exciting end to one year, and an exciting beginning to another!

melifaif said...

Congrats Christina! A family heirloom? Wow. Honored, I say? He definitely wants this to last forever. Many blessings to you both.

Janine / Being Brazen said...


heisschic said...

AHHHHHHH CONGRATS!!! oh goodness this is exciting.

what a great way to end 2009- and an even better start to 2010!

Again, congrats and I wish you both all the best!

(ps nice dress!)

Sarah said...

You don't know me, but I quietly follow your blog and I am just so happy for you. Many blessings and CONGRATS. {Love the ring, by the way!!!}

drollgirl said...

this is the best news ever!!! a giant and hearty congratulations to you both! this is major, and so happy! woo hoo for you both!!!!!!!!! cheers all around!!!!!

Julia said...

Best wishes to you and B! I have been engaged for a few months now and my perma-grin still hasn't faded.
Many fun times with your fiance are now ahead of you!

Marie said...

Congrats, so exciting and I love that it's an heirloom!

Tammy@InStitches said...

Congrats.... what a gorgeous ring !

Malinda said...


Lianna Knight said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! Just wait and see what a blessed engagement and marriage this will be :)

Tiffany and the Munchkins said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! The ring is beautiful and how awesome that it is an heirloom. That makes it even more special!

Beth Cyr said...


TheBeautyFile said...

CONGRATS!!! That's so exciting!! All the best! What a way to ring in 2010!

stacy di said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you. It's really wonderful are such a cute couple. How exciting!!!!

Monika said...

Big news, Christina! I am so happy for you!! Congratulations!!

Aline said...

so amazing! congratulations!!! what a special ring too! i'm so happy for you!

Jean Michelle Miernik said...

How romantic! I love wedding rings that are family heirlooms, bringing all that history into a new union.

Congratulations! :)

Jenni said...

AHHHH that is so exciting!!!!! I got engaged Christmas morning and Nicole Addison from Teacups in Peony got engaged a week before that! It's going to be so much fun to see you guys plan on the same schedule i'm on!!! Congrats!!!!!

Leah Brunner said...

awww congratulations! that's so exciting! that is really cool the ring is a family heirloom, that makes it all the more special!

amy said...

Congrats! It's so exciting when you get to that point in a relationship. <3

I also wear a family heirloom ring and it is my most precious possession.

Christine--RHP said...


Jennifer Rose said...

congrats! :D

candacemorris said...

congrats! how freaking fabulous is that ring? We want a close up!

Looking forward to the wedding posts and fabulous ideas, though I admit to wondering how you will fit it all in!!! Do take care of yourself in this time, little lady.

I attended a wedding Savannah three years ago, it was in the mansion at forsythe park. amazing...i love that city.

Anonymous said...

Christina, that is so exciting and a big congrats to you and B! Again, if you have questions, need advice, or just want to chat please feel free to email me. I would love to help. Cheers!

Angela said...

Congratulations! I wish you guys all of the best! xo

Bunny B said...

WOW!!! Congratulations!!! That's awesome and I'm so happy for you :) Happy New Year!!

RACHAEL B said...


Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Congratulations!!! All the best!! Would love to see the precious ring! :)

Candice said...

Congratulations!!!!! What a great start to the new year :)

Cate said...

Congratulations!!! That sounds like a very romantic proposal, special and straight from the heart.
I feel very excited for you and will have a smile on my face for the day.

Maggie May said...

Congratulations! what a fantastic December for you :)

Audrey Allure said...


love your blog :)
- Audrey Allure

Sam said...


Chelsi Archibald said...

Congrats Doll! Basque in the happiness!

Kellie said...

So exciting! Congrats!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Get ready for the fun in wedding planning. it's a blast!

Christy said...

Wow! Congratulations!!! ...and what a special ring!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you!! :-D

inkWELL Press said...

Congrats Congrats! What exciting news!

 Viv said...

Ohh congratulations!! Wedding proposals make me all teary. I wish you both a beautiful life together full of wonderful memories and lots of laughs. The ring is so special. What a great way to end the year!!

Viv xx

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, how did I miss this! Congratulations!!!You two look so adorable and the ring is just beautiful!


Laura Loo said...

Congrats!! Best of luck to you in the New Year!

kes said...


I wish I were there to buy you both celebration drinks!

this definitely calls for glasses of bubbly!!!

Diana said...

I love how you incorporated the ring that means so much. i just emailed you after i felt like i fell off my chair!!

Magchunk said...

I am ridiculously excited for you. And the ring is just beautiful! Congrats to you both again!

Melanie's Randomness said...

Omg Congrats!!!! That's such a beautiful thing that your ring is a family heirloom. Awww. I wish you guys just the absolute best.

Jackie said...

How wonderful! Congrats to you and B! Can't wait to hear all your fab wedding ideas. It is sure to be a very stylish event!

Samantha said...

Congrats! What a great day and what a special ring.

Marriage is a great thing.

Erin {House of Turquoise} said...

Soooooooo exciting!!!! CONGRATS Christina!!!!

cerebral e said...

Congratulations and happy new year. The ring is beautiful. You both look...glowy.


i am sooooo happy for you--congratulations and best wishes to you both. (i, too, have my husband's grandmother's honor indeed.)

happy new year! xo

Laura Trevey said...

I'm so excited and happy for you ~~
You deserve all the happiness 2010 can bring ~~


Kristen said...

Christina!!!! Congratulations!! Oh, I couldn't be more excited for you. I am so, so happy for you and B!!! Enjoy every minute of your engagement and congratulations!!!

PS- the ring sounds incredible!! What an amazing honor!

Abbie said...

Congratulations!! How exciting! I love that your ring is an heirloom. Very, very cool.

###### said...

WOW 73 comments of goodness to I am 74...HAAA congrats! Everyone is getting married and having babies in blog land. I wish yall the best.

Unknown said...

Congratulations lady!

Gabbi said...

Congratulations Christina!!!♥ What an awesome way to end the year... very romantic. And I love the photos you've shared with us. Lots of love and wishes for a Happy New Year!

Felicia|DaLipstickBandit said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so happy for you! :) :) :) :) :)

Johanna said...

WOW! Congrats! I wish you guys all the happiness in the world. :-)

Marilyn said...


Swetha said...

Congrats!!!!! you both look great together :)

oh, hello friend. said...

ohmigoodness CONGRATS!!!!! :) that is just fabulous! hurray i cant wait to see all the wedding plans! we can prepare for our weddings and stress out together ;)

congrats friend, that is so lovely!

xo. danni

Jenna @ Mi Vida Bonita said...

Awww CONGRATS! What a lovely way to start the new year!



Congratulations, Christina! I'm so thrilled for you!!! I've been busy with my move and haven't had much time to comment lately but I just wanted to tell you how wonderful it's been meeting my "orange buddy" this year! I think you're a rock star and can't wait to follow you in the new year. Congrats again! xoxo, Ally

Design A-Peele said...

just found your blog. Congrats on getting engaged! Marriage is the best thing in the entire world!

Erin @ SYL: Slipcover Your Life said...

OMG this is beyond exciting! Congrats!!!

Courtney said...

{a belated} Congratulations to you and B!

I'm so excited for you and I hope you have a wonderful NYE as a newly engaged couple. 2010 will be a fantastic year for you two.


Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

Congrats! And I love that you're wearing a family heirloom. That makes it even more special.

Best of luck!

Jennie said...

Congratulations, Christina! What a beautiful bride you'll be.

Jacquie said...

oh yay, fun news!

Congratulations xo

lindsey said...

So exciting! Congratulations! Wedding planning is so fun — and the marriage is even better :)

leni said...

congrats! apparently it also took me a minute to get the words 'yes' out of my mouth. happy planning.

Unknown said...

what wonderful news! congratulations, i couldn't be happier for you.

Jessica said...

Oh my goodness! Congratulations!

Callie Grayson said...

eeeee, I am so happy for you both!! How exciting!
and what a beautiful way to begin with something special... ring that has been through 3 marriages, what a fabulous honour. You will be a very beautiful bride and I can't wait to see photos!!


carly mary said...

wow! happy new year to you!
this is exciting! i can't wait to see some wedding planning happening!
congrats to you both!
you guys are adorable!

Unknown said...

Great news! I love that the ring is a family piece. I have a vintage ring too. It makes me happy every time I look at it. I've had mine 13 years now. Best of luck to the two of you! Happy New Year indeed!

Brandie said...


Rachel Follett said...

Eeeekk!!!! How freaking exciting is that?! I am so happy for you guys. You two are too cute together and your ring is gorgeous! My ring is also passed down to me and I wouldnt have wanted any other way. It is so special and timeless. What a great way to start the New Year! A huuuge congrats! :)

kadler said...

Holy moley, I am comment 112. Justwanted to say congrats again! Can't wait to see how the planning goes :)


Unknown said...

OH ...CONGRATULATIONS!! ...happy new year!

Anonymous said...

I sort of have been offline for the last few weeks and this is way late, but congratulations, I got engaged last July and it has been the best 6 months of my life so far! So happy for you! :)

Simply Grove said...

A big congrats to you!!! How exciting! I hope that you post your many wedding ideas that I am sure you will have over these future months! xx

Rhianne said...

Eee, this is so exciting, congratulations!! :)

Micaela said...


i'm enamored with the story behind your gorgeous ring.

i'm excited because my boyfriend became my future husband reccently too!!! ;) so i'm excited to watch your journey and get some ideas from you, beautiful-bride-to-be!


manvi @ mochatini said...

ooh. i just saw this. congrats christina! so happy for you two!

Alexia said...

Wow! Congrats to you! It seems that i was engaged less than a week after you! My ring is from the late 1920's! How exciting. I hope you post some things about your wedding plans and ideas!

Ashley said...

Hi, just found your blog and look forward to following. I came across this entry and had to comment because i as well have a 1920's family heirloom. I am the 3rd person to wear it! I kinda tweaked mine a bit after i got it but i LOVE the old antique look and feel that heirlooms give. I know it happened months ago, but Congrats to you!

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