Monday, December 21, 2009

Monday Dressing

What could be better on a Monday then slipping into a glamorous dress, and although you may feel like a train ran you over, you look like a million bucks?

via here

via here

via here

via City Light Photography
For the record, I am wearing a dress today. This one in fact. Still working on feeling like a million bucks though...


Rachel said...

I know what ya mean! That first dress is so lovely!

aaaa said...

wow!! that first dress is so beautiful!!!

want it so bad :)


Leah said...

Such fabulous dresses and I hopr I can see you in that number you're wearing now. It's a gorgeous dress.

Unknown said...

Hi my friens!

This dress i gorgeus. I love it.


Jaime @ laviejaime said...

That first dress is SO CUTE. Love yours that you are wearing too! :)

Love Stella Rose said...

I am in looove with that betsy Johnson dress!! aaahh

I had too hectic a morning to try to even pretend to look like a million bucks..but I will for sure try tomorrow!

hope your feeling it soon doll

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

I really need to wear that loooong train to work one day!

Hilary said...

Cuuute! I love it!

Janine / Being Brazen said...

Im inlove with the first dress - too pretty

Paige said...

I never understand people who grubbies when they feel yucky instead of dressing fabulously to make them feel better. Those dresses is perfect for dreary Monday :)

Aline said...

i feel like about 10 bucks in my comfy's with my hair uncombed ha!

Blayne Macauley said...

Wow. The first dress just takes my breath away. How beautiful! Can I buy it?

Iva Messy said...

I think I HAVE to have that first dress!!

I am sure you look completely beautiful....and priceless in your dress. Forget the million bucks! ;)

Christina said...

this photographer's life- the top dress is betsey johnson so i imagine it's for sale somewhere!

Sam said...

Love that top one especially - it's so frothy and pretty! I'd be into wearing that one to work for sure!!

drollgirl said...

love your dress! i am wearing a dress today too, but i DO NOT look like a million bucks. more like $10. at best. hahahhaha. well, maybe $100. nowhere near a million, but tomorrow is another day. :)

Angie said...

so pretty, hmm, perhaps tomorrow will be a dress sort of a day.

Kristen said...

I am pretty sure I would feel like a princess in any one of these!!

Jessica said...

Is there a way to purchase that first dress..because I must say: I am in love!

Unknown said...

eep! these are gorgeous. I love them pretty and lovely.

Anonymous said...

ohh these dresses are gorgeous picks! great taste you have

Courtney said...

Oh, second photo. How beautiful you are. *sigh*

Jen said...

The blue dress is AMAZING!!! And I want it! Ok, I might not have anywhere to wear it but I still want it :-)


emma wallace said...

Those first and second dresses are just stunning! Your dress is lovely too. I hope your day got better!

HeatherClark said...

that blue dress is absolutely to die for

Anonymous said...

These dresses are beautiful! Hope you are feeling much better!

A Loopy Life said...

I'm in love with the first dress...and the blue dress was part of my inspiration board for my wedding last July!

Ash said...

Dresses are my one true obsession! The fist one is so pretty. Oh, I could look at dresses all day. Thank you for the post!

Ashley- Wonderful In Progress

Diana said...

Thanks for including my pic! I'm obsessed with dresses right now!

Jessica said...

The first dress is so beautiful! I'd love to twirl around in it!

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