Friday, November 6, 2009

Some News and a guest post

So I have some bad and good news. Which would you like to hear first? What's that? The bad news, yeah me too, I like to get the bad part over with...
The giveaway I had planned for this Friday fell though. So sad. I'm sorry.
What's the good news? Well, the first message I received on both email and twitter this morning had to do with a pair of my earrings making the front page of Etsy! Now, you may think I let you down with the "good news" part of this deal, but I'm really thrilled about it as I feel all of the little growing pains my baby shop is feeling and making the front page is a nice encouragement and a small pat on my shop's metaphorical back.

Do you see my earrings (on the top left hand corner?) Oh, and please note these are CLIP ON earrings! Non-pierced earring wearers unite! I have to thank La Marquise de Anges for including me in her sweet treasury. Merci beacoup!

On another note, I'm guest posting today on The Good Life for Less. For the guest post, I'm taking some of this seasons trends and translating them into vintage finds. It's a good time, won't you come over and say hello? Click here to see the post.
Again, I apologize for the lack of giveaway today. Next week I'll be offering up some items in my own shop on one of my favorite blogs so stay tuned...
Have a very happy weekend.


Travelin Through Life said...

Those earrings are just too cute! Way to go!

Ginger said...

Congratulations! Love those earrings;)

PS~Erin said...

Awesome! Yay for you and your shop!

LifestyleBohemia said...

Congrats on making the front page, so exciting!! The earrings are gorgeous. I wear the ones I purchased from you all the time :)

Jaime @ laviejaime said...

Congrats- how exciting! :)

nicole mountz said...

how exciting~ congrats lady! you deserve it:)

Blair Friedeman said...

Congrats Christina--so happy for you!!! Have a great weekend.

magchunk said...

Awesome! Good for you!

And you always offer such great giveaways I think we'll live for a week without one :) Otherwise we're just getting too greedy!

Melissa Blake said...

Love the earrrings and love the guest post!!

Katrina said...

congrats on making the front page of etsy!! Your earrings are adorable. :)

Diana said...

congrats on page!!

sorry about the giveaway :((

Anonymous said...

congratulations on getting on the FP!!!!! How exciting :D

drollgirl said...

congratulations!!! this is so exciting! may it translate to lots of sales!!!

It's just a Monday said...


Hopefully it will bring you some sales :)

I too have a baby etsy shop so when one of my items was chosen for a treasury, I was soooooo excited! It didn't make front page but I was just so happy somebody picked my item!

Bye for now.



congrats on making front page of the etsy!

Kristen said...

This is so amazing!!!! WOW!! It's about time you were featured front and center :) You know how much I adore your creations!!

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

There's nothing more satisfying and lovely than watching your 'baby' grow! Congrats on the front page - so deserved!

Aline said...

so awesome that you made it on the front page!!! I often find the best sellers that way!

Anonymous said...

How exciting, Congratulation. However, I am not surprised - they are gorgeous!

Sam said...

Congrats!!! It's always such a boost when you make to the FP - may many, many sales follow!! Have a lovely weekend!

Anonymous said...

congratulations, that is awesome! and those earrings are so pretty and dainty!

Gabbi said...

Congratulations!♥ Adorable earrings too...

Courtney said...

I saw them! Congratulations, Christina! How awesome.

I'm off to read your guest post!


Yay for your shop! And yay for clip on wearers, too! Off to check out your guest post now . . .

Pixel Wild Child said...

Congrats!!! It feel good being in FP!!! I actually got to see this one... great Treasury ;O)

jdavissquared said...

Yay! That's awesome!

Samantha said...


Thanks for remembering the non-pierced.

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