I thought I'd begin this week with a work related item that has become quite the fad amongst photographers -the vintage typewriter.

via Yvette Inufio Photography
What is it about this subject that has so many memorializing it?

via Yvette Inufio Photography
How is it that heavy hunk of (functional) metal can become so romanticized and carry with it qualities of another time altogether?

via City Light Photography {seen on Through the Looking Glass}
If typewriters had spell check, perhaps I wouldn't be so fearful of using one. There's something about my mistakes not being easily hidden or corrected that makes me uncomfortable.

via We Heart it {from here}
Are they useful or useless? If they're useless then maybe being useful is overrated, otherwise why would they remain such a beautiful artistic subject?

via We Heart it {from here}
The great thing about an open, creative mind, is the ability to see beauty in everyday pieces regardless of how futile the subjects seem or even become. Is there an everyday object you find beauty in?
love that last image with the different shades of green and the sweet little kitty
I love these images!!
It's hard to believe that my girls have no idea what it is like to write a paper on a typewriter, with a whole tube of white-out near!!
Life before computers.....
interesting thought for today...
Have a super week Christina!!
oh so beautiful images! hope you have a wonderful week!
You know you're right. I used to have a horrible vintage typewriter but it was not so vintage back then. And I have another now... there's something about the un even typewrite ink, font and colours I love.
Christina!! I love this! Such a great post. I'm totally scared of the typewriter. I've only used it a handful of times, but the whole missing spellcheck function puts a slight damper on using it for me. But, I'm totally in awe of it at the same time, I have no idea why, I guess I just like to think about how things were 'back then'. :)
That is such an awesome question....I find beauty in so many random things just laying around...although right now its a bit hard for me to see past anything other then diapers and wipes {lol}...but I really love the camera, capturing so many beautiful moments and leaving lasting vivid memories.
I hope you had a nice weekend and have a great start to your week! Happy Monday!
For me they are artistic... And old school... And intriguing. It's just so interesting how quickly they seem to have become outdated, at least it seems from the year I was born.
Oh, I love the picture with the cat. Can we say poignant?
I have seen several beautiful typewriters at estate sales lately, and it has been hard to pass on buying one. I love the clack of the keys, the permanence of a typed character, not easily deleted. Lately I find myself longing for the simpler pre-personal computer and cell phone days. Sometimes inaccessibility can be nice...
But then I remember how much I love the internet and that when I'm away from it for two days I start to feel disconnected with the world.
I love typewriters, they really remind me of times past -- I also like using them (though I'm getting awfully dependent on spell check too!)
typewriters remind me so much of when I was growing up and my mom and I collected them for decorating the house (i have been lucky enough that she has passed down one) but I have never used one....maybe one day.....
Such pretty photos!
I love every single one of these shots!
i would get them just for the cases :P i wonder how the fad started. i've indeed been seeing vintage typewriter posts in blogosphere.
I love this post! My parents own an office supply store; and my dad has a collection of vintage typewriters...I love to go down to the basement and admire them. My mom used to be a business teacher at a high school (back before computers) so that's how I learned to type. During the summers when I was 9 or 10, she would sit me down with a fresh sheet of white paper and her type book, and I'd practice away. Geez, I just gave you my entire family history as it relates to the typewriter. :) Have a great monday!
Oh, sorry... I got distracted by the cute. :-)
This is so true. I always think of that scene in Rushmore where he takes his little typewriter and escapes. Much better than therapy!
Thank you so much for featuring! <33
What an incredibly lovely post! I just love the thought of the noise typewriters make and something about them makes me think of writing love letters.
some of them are beautiful (the ones with COLOR!), and they have a nice shape, heft, bulk, cool lines, etc. but i gotta say i don't miss the days of correction tape and rat-a-tat-tatting that go along with the old-school typewriters.
such nostalgia... reminds me of my grandmother, who was always fabulous about writing (or typing, as appropriate) letters. To me, the typewriter is similar to vintage telephones- such great style.
There is something so wonderful about the sound of an old typewriter in use. I have a friend who still uses one, and she sends me typed letters weekly...I have saved them all.
My favorite everyday object (don't laugh), my tea towels because I find such peace when I wash and dry my dishes after each meal. It is my little piece of time where I think and let my mind wander.
thanks for the shout out! so many vintage things are beautiful...I have a small collection of vintage cash registers that I think are beautiful!
I've heard of authors who still type on manual typewriters and do not use a computer. I think that is so cool - even though I couldn't do it.:) I love anything vintage! Typewriters are a piece of history which we do not want to let go of - like so many vintage items.
Loooooove the typewriters! So....
Lovely post! I've been plotting on how I'm going to steal Diana of Our.City.Light's pink couch for sometime now. :)
i took pictures of my parents' old typewriter. in addition to loving its shape and colour i have a great fondness for it because i grew up with it. i loved writing on it when i was little...
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