Winner of the Shabby Apple giveaway, according to is...
lucky #12! Madamesoleil! Congrats and I'll be in touch with you soon.
Big THANK YOU to Shabby Apple for making great dresses and for sharing one with us!
There are some things in life that I've simply resigned myself to accepting, one of them being creasing eyeshadow (i.e. eyeshadow that looks fab when you first put it on but 4 hours later leaves this gunky line in the middle of my eye lid). Eeew, but it's simply been a thing for me, no big deal, right? Well, it wasn't a big deal until recently.
lucky #12! Madamesoleil! Congrats and I'll be in touch with you soon.
Big THANK YOU to Shabby Apple for making great dresses and for sharing one with us!
There are some things in life that I've simply resigned myself to accepting, one of them being creasing eyeshadow (i.e. eyeshadow that looks fab when you first put it on but 4 hours later leaves this gunky line in the middle of my eye lid). Eeew, but it's simply been a thing for me, no big deal, right? Well, it wasn't a big deal until recently.
See, I won this giveaway on Iva Messy (wahoo!). I'd never heard of Illuminare Cosmetics, but the prize was pretty sweet- an eye kit with three creme eye shadows and two brushes. This mineral makeup has the added benefit of some serious sunscreen so I was pretty excited about trying it, but as for their promise of no creasing, well I was definitely skeptical.
All Day Eye Color Kit Special $48
After a day of work, I skeptically peered at myself in the mirror ready to smudge out the crease lines and holy S%#* my eye makeup looked completely fresh! NO CREASES! Thinking this was a fluke of an application, I've worn this makeup everyday waiting for a crease and, alas, nothing.
I'm in awe...of an eye that ridiculous? How am I supposed to go back to regular eye shadow when I've found one that doesn't crease?! Crap.
Do you have an eyeshadow that doesn't crease? Don't keep all of your tricks to yourself!
maybe i'm behind the times but i didnt know you had an etsy! i just visited the site and you're peices are gorgeous!! i'll be ordering some things very very soon! creases?! sign me up! can it get rid of my budding crows feet in addition?
I always had the creasing problem too, so for years I've used "shadow control creme" by Beauticontrol, as a base, and then you can use whatever eyeshadow you want.
i won this giveaway too! i can also vouch for no creases. it's pretty darn amazing and i probably wouldn't believe it if i hadn't witnessed it on myself.
I'm a makeup loser... I have no idea how to wear makeup in the first place, let alone wear it well. But I will try to learn someday, and this sounds like a must have product for when I get there!!
You're right about the toothpaste thing. That was what I thought when I saw the picture. But I have a serious issue with creasing eyeshadow; so I may just have to give this one a try. I have yet to find anything that works for me.
I'm going to be no help at all when it comes to eye make-up tricks! I use mascara for my blond eye lashes and leave the rest in my make up bag--simply because I cause too much mess when I try and glam it up a bit :)
Congratulations to the winner!!
AHHHH!! holy amazing way to wake up and see this! Thank you! I am so happy you were one of the winners! I love that it is working out so fantastically for you. This is so awesome! Yay for awesome makeup AND sunscreen AND no creases!! Major excitement!
Happy Wednesday to you lovely,lovey, lovely Christina! :)
regarding eye makeup, i couldn't give any tips. I stick to khol inside my eyes! that way i can't really go wrong. i'm fascinated by my best friend who does beautiful things on her eye lids. i can't! i look like a clown...or worse...!
i won this as well, i've only tried it once...really liked it too though!
Primer Potion from Urban Decay is an absolute miracle product for me. Best stuff EVER.
Mine always creases... must try! Are the colors nice?
I won this product too and also cannot believe that it does note crease, how amazing is that?! Glad you love it like I do!
Bonjour !
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a bientot !
I have a triiiiick up my sleeve :] I had the SAME problem and omghateditsobad. The answer?
They are advertised as a creamy eye shadow but when put on under any regular eye shadow, it makes them vibrant and stay FOREVER. No joke. I wear it every single time I wear eye shadow. It's pretty much amazing.
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