I wonder if some days are simply destined to stink. I generally don't subscribe to the idea that if you have a bad morning you're doomed for an even worse day. I'd like to think that with a positive attitude, some breath mints and greasy food, anything is possible. Today seems to be defying my normal "pick yourself up and have a good day" mentality. It started w/a shaky hangover (thank you keith and Gossip Girl), a late start to work, an icky morning involving a sorority house, almost getting hit by a car (while walking), a pointless meeting, and being talked down to (which is a regular occurrence and is really grating on my nerves). But alas, I have had a greasy slice of pizza, I'm armed with breath mints and I'm working on the good attitude which has vastly improved since my lovely lunch with Michelle and Shannon. So in an effort to cheer up, I'm going to post about some of my favorite beds/bedrooms:
So calming and luxurious:

Bright and simple:

source: Fresh Home
Feminine Vintage:


Mayflower dog bed (eco-friendly!) by Jax and Bones , b/c the dogs deserve cute beds too:

Ahhh, maybe I should go to back to bed and start the day over...now just for a good excuse to give the boss.
love the third bedroom. why don't you start researching places in london to find good deals to decorate mine & noelle's new apartment. (fingers crossed)
only if i'm allowed to come and visit and mooch
It's absolutely one of the worst mornings!! but u know what's even worse? these bed pics make me not want to sleep in my own bed!!
Love that first room--definitley would life my spirits to be resting my head there. I also love your theory on greasy food and and breath mints!
Love the feminine vintage and that doggie bed...beautiful!
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