So let's talk about entryways for a second. I've decided that this is an often neglected, sort of hodge podge area in the home (at least in mine) that needs greater attention in the future. The entryway in our new home is very special in that it centers the house and you have to go through it from room to room. It's hard to explain and I don't have photos of it, yet, but basically we'll be living in the upstairs area of an old home. The staircase winds around until it finally ends in the entryway and from the entryway you can enter the bedroom, living area, or kitchen. It's really like anything I've ever seen; the whole house has a curious layout. So for my future entryway, I'd like to see a coatrack:
A bench:

I like the benches w/storage since we always seem to need a little help w/organization.
This one is perhaps the closest to our price range:

I'm thinking I could find a cushion for the top to spruce it up a bit.
This one we saw at Target the other day as we were trying to take advantage of the Home Decor sale they have going on right now:

Bench-Antiqued Gray $125.99
(cut from $179.99 and currently qualifies for free shipping)
But, I'm not gonna lie. I really wasn't impressed w/what Target had to offer this go round. The bench, in person, is a really nice gray, but for the quality, we just wouldn't pay the price. (See, I told you I was cheap, I'm not lying!!)
B is under the assumption that we can find a cheaper coat rack. Well, I've looked and looked and can't find anything I like or would even be willing to repaint. Now, I could just be stubborn b/c once I find something I'd really like, it's hard for me to give it up. However, that's what this is all about: Turning over a new leaf, looking for other options, and going w/the best bang for my buck. I'm crossing my fingers that the coat rack will go on sale. Did you know that there exists a Coatrock. com b/c I didn't?
Here is a "retro" coat rack for the minimalist at heart:

I kind of love this kid's coat rack in red:

This might be a good gift for my fabulous four yr old niece.
So what do I want my entry to look like? Well, don't know the specifics yet, but I want it to set the tone for the rest of the house. Maybe something like this?

Ok, gotta go to work. That's enough daydreaming for one morning.
i've had my eye on the UO rack (in white) for a while as well. hoping it will go on sale in the summer when coats aren't needed.
maybe our coat racks can get married and make mini coat rack babies.
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