Saturday, February 5, 2011

15% Sponsor Ads for V-Day

Bella decided to make an appearance on the blog today to announce a special 15% off discount on any sponsorship package if you sign up before V-day!  She and I both know that our ad rates are already super duper affordable so this discount is the perfect opportunity to get your feet wet with an ad if you've ever wanted to try one.  Small businesses, shops, or bloggers only please.
If you're interested in getting more info, please e-mail me at downandoutchic[at]gmail[dot]com. 

p.s. that's me in the background and Bella is my faithful intern.  This couch, my friends, is where all magic happens. 


Stephanie said...

Awww, so cute!! What kind of dog is Bella? She kind of looks like my dog Elvis, and he's an English pointer. :-)

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