Monday, July 12, 2010

It's my birthday and I'll cry if I want to...

...but I'm not going to because that would be silly.  Although today is my actual birthday, we've been celebrating for the past couple of days, because when it's all about ME, I like to drag it on as long as possible.  Here are some shots of what's been happening thus far.
Every birthday requires flowers. Period.

Balloons are another requirement, even if they are made for 1 year old princesses.

What's a celebration without cake?  This is my favorite strawberry cake made by B's wonderful mom.  Don't even try counting the candles.

Presents are nice too but certainly not mandatory.  I have no problem admitting that B and his family spoil me rotten. This is a beautiful moonstone ring B gifted me with this morning.  It's sitting atop an amazing lightweight scarf from B's parents.

Remember that ridiculous family portrait B drew a while back?  He got them printed on T-shirts (this may or may not be worn in public). The dogs will get their own shirts too, eventually. Ha! *I am aware that this is a terrible shot of us but it's kind of fitting for those shirts.

These new flats from B's mom might quite possibly be the most comfortable flats EVER.

Ok, I'm off to enjoy being spoiled for the rest of the day (my lunch had caviar in it, CAVIAR! It was divine).  I'm having dinner and drinks with friends later where I will pass on the birthday torch to one of my best friends.  It's been lovely and now it's kind of like you were there too!  I'll be back tomorrow with regular posting.

images via D&OC


Iva Messy said...


Unknown said...


liz said...

Happy Birthday! I agree that birthdays should be at least weeklong celebrations!
PS that ring is simple yet gorgeous!

GB said...

Happy birthday and may I have one teensy slice of that cake?

Natalie said...

Happy birthday! Love the t-shirts :)

Nicole said...

yay! happy happy birthday :D

Claire Kiefer said...

happiest birthday, Christina. B is so thoughtful to make those t-shirts . . . sentimental gifts like that are the best. Or, maybe that gorgeous moonstone ring is the best, who knows. ;) Either way, lots of love and birthday wishes from California. xxooxxoo

Stacey said...

HaPpY BiRtHdAy! Why not prolong it?? Enjoy your evening out! Cheers, Stacey

Anonymous said...

happy birthday! that ring is to die for!!!

Claudia Cifuentes said...

Gorgeous ring! I'm a cancer too (lucky us), happy birthday! :)

Eloise In NY said...

I'm the same way, i celebrate for the whole month though! lol! Happy bday :)

Joyti said...

Happy birthday! The cake and balloons and flowers all look so lovely and fun.

off switch said...

happy birthday christina! love the shirts and b's family! so happy for you and your day! xo.

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

Happy Happy Birthday!!!

= )

Piper Jacquelyn said...

Happy Birthday to you! I love the picture. It's pretty awesome. And caviar for lunch is perfect - keep the celebrating going all night and week - BIRTHDAY WEEK!

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

Happy Birthday gorgeous, enjoy your day!! Beautiful gifts xoxo

drollgirl said...




Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

Happy Birthday!

I too try to drag out my birthday as long as possible. Last year I managed a birth-month.

Brianna Renee said...

glad you're having a wonderful birthday week! that's the best way to celebrate! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pinecone Camp said...

Keep on milking your day of all days! Happy Birthday! That cake looks delicious.

Jacquie said...

Happy Birthday lovely lady!
Pics are fab x

hiyaluv said...

i love your pics! happy birthday doll!

Micaela said...


balloons like these are a MUST in my family, no matter what age. We get Disney princess ones for my Mom because Cinderella is her fave :) seeing your princess one makes me smile.

i hope you have a WONDERFUL year!!!

ps. Claire sent me a care package that included beautiful hair pins from your lovely etsy-- i was overjoyed! looove them :)

Gabby said...

Happy birthday!! All the best to you!

Tammy@InStitches said...

Glad you had a Happy Birthday !

lisaroy said...

Happy Birthday to you!! Sounds like you've had some great celebrating so far! : )

gina said...

Happy Birthday!! I love to drag mine out for days and days too :)

###### said...

Happy Birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like you've been having a wonderful one!!

Ginger said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope the day was everything you wanted it to be and more;)

BTW, here's part 2 of the brooch bouquet DIY:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, my dear! My celebration started the past weekend and continues. I totally agree you should drag it out as long as possible. I call it my birthday month! :) Happy, happy birthday! xoxo

beauty comma said...

happy birthday christina! i know i'm a bit late but this way you get to drag it out even more! hurrah for you!! looks like you had a fab day btw. love the ring... keep celebrating & have a lovely week!


Diana said...

haha! i love how your birthday was filled with such cute things. i love the balloon and shirt especially. i'm glad you had a great one!

jdavissquared said...

HAPPY {belated} BIRTHDAY!!

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