Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Wedding Plans + Vintage Brooch Bouquet

As you may have noticed, things have been eerily quiet on the home front regarding our wedding plans.  I know that when B and I got engaged many of you expressed interest in hearing all of my DIY, affordable ideas assuming I'd have a savvy, budget friendly wedding.  Well, I hate to break the news, but B and I have decided to forgo a wedding and instead have our nuptials at the local courthouse.  There are many reasons for this decision, but rest assured that we have made this decision with thought and intention and that, more importantly, we are happy and looking forward to the low-stress route.  We're thinking about getting married some time in August and although we won't be having the typical accouterments or wearing the expected wedding apparel , I think I'd still like to have a little bouquet.  I have some vintage floral brooches my mom has given me over the years. Maybe I could do something like this?

 Has anyone out there ever made on of these?  While we're on the topic, has anyone else opted for a court house wedding? 

p.s. Thanks to Bromeliad for putting the idea of a vintage brooch bouquet in my head!

{images 1) via Ruffled 2) D&OC II 3&4) The Wedding Chicks }


Jill GG said...

That bouquet is GORGEOUS! Christina! I love it...

I know Cup of Jo has posted some thoughtful and beautiful courthouse weddings.

Keep us posted on the details... even if they are small and thoughtful. You will be such a beautiful bride!

Susan said...

I can't find the exact link but here http://craftzine.com/ had a tutorial on how to combine vintage brooches together to make a mother's day present. Thought it might help?

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

What an inspiring idea! Courthouse bride here...

justagirlLaura said...

I love these brooch bouquets and think they would be a lovely addition to any wedding! Good luck! I'm sure whatever you do, it will be fantastic.

Jennie Bee said...

what a creative cute idea!

julialifeisart said...

I LOVE that bouquet! If you thrift for more brooches, don't forget to check the earring section too. I remember lots of big bejeweled floral clip-on earrings in my grandma's collection.

Ginger said...

I am actually planning to do this for my sister's wedding! I hunted down vintage flower brooches on eBay for a few weeks, and now we have enough to make her bouquet, mine, and the female attendant on her fiance's side. I'm planning to post a DIY for it, so I'll be sure to send you the link;)

I totally understand wanting to go the low-stress route. As my sis's unofficial wedding planner, I know how expensive and stressful traditional weddings are. It's your day, and you need to celebrate it in a way that's best for you and your honey. Don't listen to anyone who tries to make you feel bad; it's not their wedding! They're just upset they don't get to drink your booze and eat your cake;)

lisaroy said...

I love the bouquet idea! so charming!
As for the courthouse wedding - do what your heart tells you to do. It's all about the two of you sharing your own special moment together. I often think the traditional wedding can get so expensive, complicated and over-the-top that soon you forget that the whole purpose is the marriage between you and your love. I've often thought that if I were to do it again, we would have had a tiny ceremony on a beach somewhere and showed the video later. : )

flynn said...

that bouquet is adorable. it'll look really cute in pictures, too!

we did the courthouse thing, which was it hilarious (everyone else there for the same reason was hugely pregnant), but, if you go this route and want to take pics, ask them where the judge's quarters are.

we were married in the basement of the juvenile court, which isn't the most photogenic place; it's apparently where those up for trial are walked through, so our cute vamping pics from while we were waiting have all these surly teens in orange jumpers in the background :-/

Anonymous said...

I love the brooch bouquet idea!! It's so lovely! And, I might be awfully strange, but I've always thought courthouse weddings were more romantic :-)

Samantha said...

Your decision makes perfect sense. And it's 'vintage' - back in the day everybody did simple weddings.

Malinda Lloyd said...

My husband and I went even simpler than that. In california (thank you hollywood movie stars), you can have what's called a "private ceremony" with no witnesses! Husband and I went to a lovely house in Venice called "The Secret Garden" and had a non-denominational ceremony with just us and the officiant. It was beautiful and simple and just us. It was in-expensive and even less complicated than the courthouse.

Iva Messy said...

ohh I have to find this link for you...I almost posted on a company that makes these!!! ohhhhh I'll start looking...even though you can totally do this, but more pictures is always helpful!! :)

Paige @ Little Nostalgia said...

That bouquet is cute, especially since a lot of the brooches will be from your mom.

A simple courthouse wedding is also very throwback and it seems to fit for you and your man. Another couple we know did the courthouse thing and then had a little reception a couple of weeks later at the local VFW. It was adorable.

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

I love the idea of your floral brooch bouquet, and it would be so special that the brooches are from your Mom. Plus, the bouquet will last forever!

Many brides dream of fancy dresses and lavish weddings, but I think the sincerity and joy of the joining of two people can sometimes get lost in all of the "grandeur". I think a courthouse wedding would be deeply personal and private, and wonderful in that way.

Last summer my husband and I had a tiny ceremony in the yard of an island home we rented for a few days. Our wedding & honeymoon budget was so small, and like you guys we didn't want a big wedding with all of the stresses and expenses that went along with it. We sort of combined our wedding and honeymoon and invited a few immediate family members along, and it worked out perfectly for us.

Sophie - Chez Sophie said...

Wow, great idea it looks fab.
Luv Sophie xxx

Unknown said...

i love this idea and if anyone could pull it off it's you!

gina said...

I love the bouquet! I was not a courthouse bride - I would have been ok with that but my husband wanted the party :)

Carpe Diem said...

INNOVATION >>>>Got to love it. Great idea, and a fabulous way to stand apart from the crowd.

Helena - A Diary of Lovely said...

This would be stunning Christina, and congratulations on setting a "date"

couture dresses said...

These bouquets are sweet and if you make one, you can keep it forever just as it is on your wedding day. And as for a courthouse wedding, think SATC, the first movie. Pretty good idea if you ask me.

drollgirl said...

you are smart to do this. i think it is the way to go. and with an adorable bouquet like this, and your fab man by your side, you will have all that you need!

candacemorris said...

Good for you for doing exactly what you want in a time of high (familial/friend/internal) expectations and obligations. This makes me just like you more and more, you little Georgia Peach.

Looking forward to sharing in whatever you chose to celebrate this uniting of souls.

Beach House Living said...

Good plan that is sure to be much easier on the nerves too.
I've never seen a brooch bouquet before but I think it's a fine idea. It would be nice if you could have ones from relatives to make your bouquet all the more special.

LenoreNeverM♡re said...

Fabulous idea~ luv this & it's very you Christina!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! That will look great :)

Anonymous said...

Very Pretty! That will look great :)

Wendy said...

I married for the second time (in my forties) a few years ago and we did it at the courthouse, then invited a small group of family and a couple of friends to dinner at a local restaurant. I wore a dress I found on clearance at T.J.Maxx for $8! (Seriously couldn't find anything at Macy's that suited me.)
I'm certain you won't regret saving all that money and stress, just be sure to do some little things to make it special just for the two of you. Sounds like you're on the right track with the bouquet.

Samantha said...

Just came across a tutorial on how to make those pin bouquets.


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