As a child, pink was definitely my least favorite color. Being a twin, my mom tried her hardest to dress my sister and alike and I would throw a royal fit if I had to wear pink (I was a major tomboy). Luckily my sister was a much better sport than I and although she always preferred purple, she'd end up look like a pink Easter bunny while I strutted my stuff in yellow or blue.
It wasn't until college that I reevaluated my prejudice toward pink. I've made leaps and bounds in overcoming my initial negative perceptions of the color, so much so that I don't mind wearing it (in moderation) and I'm even liking pink in decor. The spaces below use pink in a restrained way, surrounded by whites and other neutrals. After much thought, I now find the use of pink in the home to be exciting, romantic, feminine and even a touch ironic.

via Sweet Home Style

via Selina Lake

via Sweet Home Style

via Nathan Turner {via Desire to Inspire}

via Emma Thomas
Now I just have to get B on board with my new appreciation for pink. Unfortunately, I don't see him sleeping in a pink bed anytime soon. Oh well.
What do you think about restrained pink? Would your prefer more or less?
{you have one more day to enter the Design Lovely giveaway. You can do so here.}
a big fan of pink in careful doses: a throw blanket or pillow, a vase of tulips, or even the rug in the nathan turner image. i'm glad you've changed your mind!
Love just a touch of pink. The 'love' pillows are adorable!
you're a twin? i never knew! not that i know you that well but
anyway, love the restrained pink. my fav are the LOVE pillows. a little pink is okay but too much pink is just wrong when a male is living in the same house. i could never do that to my boyfriend.
also too much pink in an all girl home makes me think barbie threw up in there...but that's just my opinion.
absolutely love all the pictures you picked.
I'm so glad you posted that picture of the table & kitchen! We have a bar in our house, and are trying to figure out what to do with the lower half of the wall (where people will kicking when they sit). Our first instinct was to paint it white, which will look LOVELY adorned with scuff marks, don't ya think? Our next idea was wallpaper, so I'm so glad you posted this picture!!
I've been totally getting into pink. Maybe its the impending Valentine's Day or something??
I'm obsessed with pink, but I do try to use it in moderation in my decorating. These images provide great idea inspiration!! Thanks :)
ok LOVE the love pillow LOL... need to make one somehow... now where is my friend with the silk screening stuff :D
I love just a small dash of pink. I like the picture with the pink in the rug. I think too much pink is a lil overpowering but just enough can really brighten a room up!! I wish I had that bed in the last picture with the red balloons. hehe.
I love all the pictures... great inspiration.
I wasn't a huge pink fan as a kid either but I definitely wasn't a tomboy! I just didn't want to be like everyone else.
Then since high school I've been a fan again and have been introducing it to our house VERY slowly. I actually convinced Ryan to paint a room pink but then we were too exhausted from painting the first three rooms gray and blue. So yeah. That's on hold.
I didn't know you were a twin!
LOVE the LOVE pillowcases!!
so fun ~~
I need those pillows!
Those LOVE pillows are not only gorgeous but so very sweet. Surely they'd bring good energy to the bed! :) I too have had a love-hate relationship with pink, but as I get older, I appreciate it more. I have this laptop case:
and I think it's precious!
love pink + that fire is so inviting.
ha! you would have hated my bedroom when i was a kid. pink and white gingham bedspreads! and pink dressers! it was all about the pink!
i like pink still, but in moderation. these examples are lovely. and i have yet to be with a man that wants to sleep in a pink bed, or even in a bed that has ANY kind of floral bedding. a hahah.
I love the way the pink is incorporated in the room that has the color in the rug - so subtle, yet gorgeous! What a great way to add color when you're maybe a little color shy (like myself).
Really cute! I'd love to try to incorporate some color into the apartment. I don't think the BF would be thrilled, I'll have to be sneaky!
i like pink if someone else shows me the way, as in, i don't buy it for myself, but like it. the house i just bought has a fabulously magenta/cranberry room, and i fell in love with it. it's not messing around, but it's one of my favorite things about the house and i intend to keep the color.
Even though I'm a neutrals girl, I love pink. And I love the LOVE pillow you found.
Don't tell B it's pink. Tell him it's fuchsia.
I HATED pink as a child. And hated is probably not a strong enough word. But now, I am quite smitten by it. I try to keep my love for pink under control though because I think too much of anything can be a not so great thing.
And that last picture with the balloons... perfection.
Love a little pink but the right COLOR of pink. Love the LOVE pillows!
oooo i like it and im not normally a pink person let alone in interior design
sooooooooooooo, when i get a whole buncha money, you're designing my house..ok, thanx bye! :)
i'm way into pink...restrained or not, but i do keep it limited to the guest room and just sprinkled throughout the rest of the house!
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