Wednesday, October 7, 2009

You and me, me and you- a guest post...

Today, I'm over at Our City Lights giving a glimpse (albeit a small glimpse) into my relationship with the ever elusive B. He might be a tad elusive here, on this blog, but in my daily life he makes me smile, laugh, he cooks me food, he challenges me, and he looks out for my best interests EVERYDAY! So, if you interested in a little bit of our story...

...won't you join me over on Our CityLights?
Then let me know what you think!


off switch said...

i so loved reading this christina! thank you for reaffirming for me that a girl can find that perfect guy for her - and she doesn't have to settle in the process! ;)

Slices of Beauty... said...

Wow, lovely.
Love beautiful love stories.

Nakiya @ Taste of Baltimore said...

Loved reading that - thank you for being so honest and open! What a wonderful relationship :)

bananas. said...

i met my lover at a bar too! suck on that!!! hahaha.

i love how you said your relationship with B was "easy". that's exactly how i feel about my relationship.

great guestpost christina! rock on.

Tammy@InStitches said...

awwwwe, what a sweet story. I met my sweet,hunky man at a bar too !!

Laura Trevey said...

you two are sooooo cute!!

Kristen said...

Headed over now...

. said...

great story! love the pic too.

Rachel said...

I love "love stories!" going to read now!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

I adore your "love story"! Thanks so much for sharing is with us. And whiskey - straight up?! You are more woman than me. That stuff puts me under the table, and that's all I will say about that ;-)

Anonymous said...

ya'll are beautiful!

Iva Messy said...

woohoo!! GOING!!!....

Live a Colorful Life said...

Just read the post. And I know I've said this before: he's so darned cute. You guys are adorable together!

Diana said...

Just like Cottage Cheese mentioned, I was totally going to caption the whiskey part, but we all know you are tough with our without it!

Magchunk said...

Aww I loved your story. When I met Ryan I actually went for his friend, lol. But I wised up pretty quick. :)

Jill GG said...

awww... adorable. Love a good love story!

Erin said...

awe! I loved it. Makes me think maybe love is out there?

Anonymous said...

I read Diana's article that featured you guys! So cute! You guys are adorable!!

oh, hello friend. said...

heading over there now - i love reading about blogger's relationships! i have an amazing supportive guy too. you guys are a beautiful couple! happy wednesday friend!

xo. danni

Blair Friedeman said...

Oh, my goodness Christina--love your guest post. You two and adorable. Fun to get to know more about you and the two of you.

Maybe I should start trying to find guys in bars!;)

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

You and B are a rockstar couple!


Just left a comment over there. Your relationship sounds a lot like my hubby's and mine. It sounds like a perfect match and I'm so happy that you've found each other.

CC. said...

isn't he a cutie. wat a lovely couple :)

Samantha said...

That's so beautiful. I'm all watery eyed over here.

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