Now, I'm not a guy who shaves everyday, but dammit! my skin can be soft too! Ritual has a great line for a man's routine from shit to shave. No... really, the Nature Calls product is an eyedropper, and two drops in the toilet before the brown goes down, and everything's all roses. With it's killer packaging, no man has to feel like a sissy with four different products for his morning routine.
The whole kit will set you back $79, but you can buy each item individually as well. It comes with Nature Calls, Razor Rinse (something every man needs), The Whip, The Balm, and The Trifecta (a face, hair, and body wash).
You're shaved, and now it's time to Suit Up!
Maybe it's because I've been watching lots of MadMen or that retro is always in, but handkerchiefs are coming back. Nothing too elaborate or bright, just a nice, white classic square fold will do.

Probably my favorite thing to do between meetings, or during a conversation lull is to snap a quick photo of a friend and give them a furry caterpillar (READ: an AWFUL mustache)! This iphone app, 'stachetastic, allows you to do just that.

Adorned with your mustache you can now tackle manly adventures. May I suggest Pride & Prejudice & Zombies. This came out in April, and if you haven't read it yet, it is a perfect read for a lazy weekend or beach trip. I'd call it the product of Romance and Horror's one-night-stand, with Comedy watching in the corner.The same story yougrew to love, but with zombie ass-kicking. A new hardback version is due out soon, with color artwork. Don't worry, the original has artwork too.

I hope you guys liked this little glimpse . If so, mark your calendars for the 15th of every month. More guys' style, tech, entertainment, and the occasional interior design or food spot will be rolling out. Let me know what category you are most interested in and I'll make that the topic of next month's post.
Oh Christina, you are so cutting edge. Love it!
Nice to meet you, Keith.
Cool series! I had no idea that particular handkerchief fold actually had a name!
fab idea lady - and thanks keith! personally i wanna hear it all so keep it broad and varied!!
oh, and i am SO downloading that iphone app
don draper...swoon! if only all men looked like him...
A great read...keep it coming. Thank you both, xv.
aww, Hi Keith! man-style... isn't there a store w/ that name?!
Fun post Keith!
Love the small tribute to the stache... especially enjoyed Christina's (makes extreme facial hair look good doesn't she?).
Also greatly enjoyed the fashion and product part, really clueless when it comes to that but I can see how that would be handy when telling the man in my life what to wear.
well played, christina, well played. :)
welcome, keith!
i'd also be interested in reading about date night/ birthday plans. *his* birthday is coming up, and i'd love some creative ideas!
Oh, this is fabulous! Something my boyfriend will finally be interested in reading in the blog world! I can't wait to pass it on. Esp. the part about how to fold the pocket square.
Hello Christina & Keith!
I've been known to wear men's clothes...actually prefer the boy's department...fab post!
LOVE this post! keith is hilarious and I can't wait for the next one!
p.s. keith, what are your thoughts on looking sharp in a non-suit environment? my fella recently left his suit-ish law firm for a casual tech firm, and has been living in his fleece. any tips on staying stylish without looking overdressed?
love the ginham look with the suit. genius!
great new series, girlie:)
nice! i'm so making someone with an iphone get that app. right now i actually have to stick things on people in real life.
You are too clever Christina - such a great idea... and I have to say I'm tucking that gingham shirt idea away to share with my hubby. I'm totally digging it.
Mad Men! Swoon! Christina - awesome idea! So entertaining - the secret life of blokes! You look cute with a mustache actually!! :) I love it ! By the way , I've tagged you if you feel so inclined...?
WOW! this is such a great idea! Nice to meet you Keith.
Ok memorable things already about this series:
"wanna be lover" LOL
dammit my skin can be soft too (again LOL)
yes, you and your sister
and.well.um.obviously. the mustache lol
ohhhh boy.....I'm looking forward to the 'entertainment ' part of this, but please please please I beg of you...I can't hear about another PSP/Wii/PS3,4,5,100/iPhone/MAC/ GAAAAA why why why?!?! it never ends lol :) no I'm kidding I can hear about it :) this is such a fun series
the 15th is marked!
I literally just stopped what I was doing to get the stachetastic app halfway through reading. awesome post...can't wait for more!
hey guys! nice to meet you all, thanks for the great comments. i'm excited to get another post in front of your lovely faces!!!
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