"In accordance with our principles of free enterprise and healthy competition, I'm going to ask you two to fight to the death for it."
~Monty Python
~Monty Python
So I mentioned last week that B and I joined a gym together. Part of the reason we made this decision was some (a lot) of pressure from a friend so that we could all play racket ball. I love racket ball, or used to love it as it's been a while, but we have yet to catch up with our friend to have a game. B and I recently had a conversation about this and it went something like this:
Me- B, why do we need to wait for (insert name) when you and I can just play? You want to go buy some rackets?
B- ummmm, no.
Me- Huh, well, why not?
B- Because if we play racket ball we won't like each other anymore. We cannot play games together.
Me- (slightly indignant). What?! I don't understand.
B- Why do you think we put up Operation?
Me- Oh, yikes. Yeah, that ugly. (Imagine me taunting B over his shoulder as he tries to remove the wishbone and then laughing like a hyena when he can't. Then imagine B seceretly vowing he will never "play" with me again.)
I've decided I'm only competitive when I think there's a chance I'll win, otherwise I could care less (sorry B!)
via Bloomacious
In case you're wondering why this picture is up...
a) there's a giant bird who appears to be snuggling with a pink haired model
b) there's a pink haired model who has a tattoo
c) this pink haired, tattooed, bird cuddling model looks like a bad-ass...kind of how I feel when I'm playing Operation.
Are you a competitive person? Be honest, I'm not talking "have to be number one, climb the ladder and stab your friends in the back" kind of competitive. I'm thinking more "temper tantrum while playing Cranium (I've never done that, I swear)" kind of competitive.
Me- B, why do we need to wait for (insert name) when you and I can just play? You want to go buy some rackets?
B- ummmm, no.
Me- Huh, well, why not?
B- Because if we play racket ball we won't like each other anymore. We cannot play games together.
Me- (slightly indignant). What?! I don't understand.
B- Why do you think we put up Operation?
Me- Oh, yikes. Yeah, that ugly. (Imagine me taunting B over his shoulder as he tries to remove the wishbone and then laughing like a hyena when he can't. Then imagine B seceretly vowing he will never "play" with me again.)
I've decided I'm only competitive when I think there's a chance I'll win, otherwise I could care less (sorry B!)
In case you're wondering why this picture is up...
a) there's a giant bird who appears to be snuggling with a pink haired model
b) there's a pink haired model who has a tattoo
c) this pink haired, tattooed, bird cuddling model looks like a bad-ass...kind of how I feel when I'm playing Operation.
Are you a competitive person? Be honest, I'm not talking "have to be number one, climb the ladder and stab your friends in the back" kind of competitive. I'm thinking more "temper tantrum while playing Cranium (I've never done that, I swear)" kind of competitive.
LOL!! I'm sorry! I can't even answer! I'm still laughing too hard!!
this is so funny! i think of myself as decidedly not competitive...but the description of you playing operation does sound remarkably similar...perhaps i need to rethink my definition!
i am with tennis. i do not play for fun. so when you challenge me for a game, you better bring your A game.
I'm the worst when it comes to games. I play to win. I'll never forget when I got a little bit too competitive when playing catch phrase with my bible study group :-\ Let's just say, I didn't set a great example for those 9th grade girls that day.
elizabeth- too funny, i once had an experience with catch phrase and the word "slap." needless to say, i did not describe this work in an appropriate way. i was never cut out for youth group anyhow.
Oh, ya..I don't play unless I win.
Yes, I've played Chutes & Ladders or Parcheesi with the toddler set, and it ended up me being the one tossing the table upside down, pieces flying up in the air, and their the ones giggling behind their hand. So what!
yeaahhh.... it really depends on the game. some I can be totally normal about. others - like monopoly - have not been played in years, nor will it be. I don't like games that involve being 'mean' to your opponent. its terrible. and yes... I think I was 5 and i had a temper tantrum (the only one I ever remember having - though oddly my mom doesn't remember it) when I didn't win at Trivial Pursuit. I mean, really? Did I think I could win when I was that young?
sports are different. I was a good tennis player, but I always felt bad beating the opponent and lost almost all of my matches due to my own weirdness...
oh, ps, that photo is AWESOME.
We're kindred spirits, I'm afraid. No one in my family wants to play games with me either. Why? Because they are all weak! They're afraid I'll win! :)
Hub and I can't even get through an ep of jeopardy without almost getting in a fight...we are both so darn competitive
My husband even manages to turn ski ball into a competition!
yea you pretty much described me in that operation example. i'm the worst and i make everything into a competition...like watching sports, doesn't matter if i like the team or not, or even like the sport for that matter, i will choose a team (based on color, looks or name) and i will manage to talk smack the entire game. that is until i lose. errrr :P
omg woman! you're too funny! I am SO competitive, with everything. I'm also a huge smack talker, which gets me in trouble.
my boyfriend convinced me to learn ping pong only because he suggested that i might not win. i won. then an hour later i schooled him in scattergories (sp?). score.
i'm not extremely competitive - not outwardly so... but i do like to taunt my close friends/family when i can!!
ummmm i maybe had a tantrum playing cranium tonight! jake said i was and i quote...a "game nazi" hehe
bahahah!!!! i love this!!!!!!!! don't EVER play scrabble with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVER!!!
hahaha! i love this post!!!! i am laughing out loud like a lunatic!
You're hilarious! And I agree. My B and I used to play racquetball every night while we were in college. I loved it. Too bad none of the gyms out here have courts. But it's probably better for our marriage.
Lets just say that the first time I ever beat my best friend at our favourite card game, my little sister may have been injured by the extreme physicality of my celebration dance...
I'm pretty competitive, but really I don't care as much about winning as long as I'm satisfied with my own performance. <----Wait, did I just sound like a politician? My Boy and I are pretty competitive about Scrabble. Perhaps I should challenge drollgirl to a game ;)
Thank you for your words of encouragement, and your sweet comment about my wedding plans!
I can't go to the gym with my husband, he's a fitness buff, I'm not - but I can't stand being corrected! I wouldn't be competitive with just anyone, but some people just add that competitive edge...
HAHAHAHAHA:0) So funny. This issue is actually one Jon (my boy) and I love to joke around about. Jon's entire family love to spend their time playing competitive games in which they battle to the death over dice, cards, whatever. My family, on the other hand, would rather talk about how the game makes you feel than play it. lol
hey, cute blog. did you draw the title yourself. quite dainty.
hahah. i joined the gym last year as our local just opened and there was a special membership. make sure you use it though, otherwise it's heaps pricy for a no use! goood luck!! and get back to playing friendly
You are way too funny! I have a hard time playing Chess with my husband because we are such sore losers and when he wins he likes to tell me how I could have played the game better and it bugs the crap out of me but I let him do it because it will probably make me a better player. Ugh!
ha ha ha ha ha that's toooo funny! Thanks for make me laugh! I'm at work and I need it!
Have a great day!
My husband is so competitive - Scrabble, cards, you name it. I refuse to play.
i am VERY competitive. R is VERY competitive. so much so we dont play games together...if we get forced to at xmas we have to be on the same team otherwise if one wins and the other doesn't there is WAR!
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