One of my favorite things to do is laugh. When I say "laugh" I mean a good, strong, pee your pants, squirt milk out of your nose kind of laugh. I love the bloggers (and there are many of you out there) that make me laugh. One of the members of this elite group of funny, sometimes crude, always entertaining bloggers is Heisschic from Technical Support.

I have the hardest time describing blogs because I don't want to pigeon hole anyone, but I'll try my best. Heisschic is an engineer with a sense of style (yes, engineers can be stylish).
You might read a story or two that will make you blush...

With only under 100 posts under her belt, she has me hooked. Let's see how she answered my questions...
1) Describe yourself in three words.
articulate, sarcastic, and hungry. (I took a poll for the first two--- the last is pretty much a constant for me).
2) If you could have one super human power what would it be and why?
Teleportation. I'd like to be able to transport myself and anyone else (just through space, not time) to any location of my choosing. I could spend my lunch hour on the beach with my old college roommate or zap a touchy-feely drunk at the bar to a prison cell. I could bring my best's boyfriend home from Afghanistan for her birthday. I could also sleep in a bit as I'd be able to avoid all morning traffic.
3) What do you think makes a successful blog or how would you describe one? Ha you're asking me about a successful blog? Goodness I don't know- I've had mine for under 3 months. But, with the blogs I read, the ones that I would call "successful" are the ones where you feel like you know the author. If you have to stop and think about whether or not you've met them in real life because they seem that familiar, then I'd call that "success." Pictures and consistent updates also help.

Happy Hump Day!
Thanks for the chuckle this morning ~~ Laughing is good for your health and well being :)
aww I loved this! i love her blog also!!
I love your laugh description! That truly IS the best kind of laugh!!
Oh, she sounds delightful! Love all her answers! I love all the new blogs you are introducing me to through this series--thank you!
loved this post! especially the way you described a GOOD laugh! couldn't be better!
Love it! Laughing is the medicine for the soul...and I can't wait to add this blog to my list of favs!
I love her answers and she seems so down to earth! checking out now!
i just went to her blog and already love it after reading one post!
thank you for the recommendation! woo hoo. another killer blog!
god i wish i could quit my job and just toodle around blog land all the live long day!
I love these...will go to check it out now!
Love a funny blog.
Wish she was the tech support at my job.
Oh I will have to go check her out!
I love funny blogs, so I am on my way to check hers out :)
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