I need to put away my hair straightener and find some really good curling creme. Or maybe I could tease it relentlessly...
Because, really how sexy is this?
This is the more frazzled, come hither or I'll bite you look.
Did you know the rate of red heads is decreasing at an alarming rate? I wonder how many curly red heads there are out there...
via Federico Erra
It's hopeless, I'll never have big, fun, sexy hair like these women, but maybe I could find a comparable wig. Do you have a hair fantasy? (Don't be shy, you know you do.)

It's hopeless, I'll never have big, fun, sexy hair like these women, but maybe I could find a comparable wig. Do you have a hair fantasy? (Don't be shy, you know you do.)
You have beautiful hair ~~
Stop on by for my Original Watercolor giveaway!!
xo Laura
I'm one of those curly redheads :0) haha And I l-o-v-e- big hair too!!!!
We need to switch hair! Big curls are sexy until it rains or there is 1% humidity and you look like a chia pet!!!
I used to crimp the HELL out of my hair... and I kind of want to bring it back. Is that so wrong?
I have natural, Monica in Barbados, waves. Should I let them be?
g- we totally need to switch hair, you pick the time and place...
LiLu- please bring crimping back in; i'll support it.
kristin- that was a TIMELESS episode, you make me laugh. let it be (with some anti frizz serum, of course).
Yay for big curly hair! Mine just gets big and frizzy, as I haven't ever figured out how to work with the curls. This is probably why I had really long hair for so many years - it was easier! Oh, and I love red hair!
Honestly, I love YOUR hair! I've been toying with cutting mine pretty short for a long time (I think I would actually style my hair instead of putting it in a pony every day), but I hear one should never make drastic changes to their hair right before they get married. So I think I'll wait for a few months.
my hair fantasy was an Amy Winehouse-esque beehive. and then my friends helped me make one for our new year's party and it was even better in real life than in my imagination.
i am a plain old white girl and i used to BEG my hairdresser to give me kinky fabulous curls all over. she told me over and over, JANELLE, YOU ARE NOT BLACK. YOUR HAIR IS STRAIGHT. DO NOT FIGHT THIS FACT. sigh. so here i am with straight hair. but a wig? now THAT is a thought!
i already have big hair. my boyfiend says i look like a lion in the mornings, it's so big! i would die to have the hair that dries perfectly messy or touseled. sigh.
i wanna have a big hair and got a perm, but my hair is just stubborn, has a mind of it's own. I gave up and back to my natural boring straight. But am always dreaming with my hair so high and big and am always on stage. hihihiihi.
have a great day!
yep, i love big hair. unfortunately, i am stuck in the middle - not curly, not straight.:( i think i would take one or the other, but i do think really tight curls are sexy. i always wanted to be a redhead, but that's not happening, either.
My hair is like those girls well if I had it shorter it would be. My hair is sooo curly and it used to be red. I loved it but it is really difficult to maintain red hair if it isn't natural. :D
lol ...I LOVE big hair ...afro ringlets especially. You're making me want to put curlers in my hair again ..lol
definitely VERY SEXY. wish my hair would do that :-)
Hmm well i have the big curly red hair like the girl in the last picture and I love it! I cannot lie! :)
I have long hair , I used to look like a lion too ... Less now ...
But I always wanted to have a very very short hair cut. i know it won't "match my face " but still like it ... however I will certainly miss the soft sensation of my hair on my shoulder and in my back, as a natural cover ...
and i would alos miss my husband playing with my long hair all the time :)
Lol! I had a fantasy about having about having short hair...it did not end well.lol. :0)
loose red ringlets. I am eternally bummed because instead of getting my dad's red hair, i got a nice, but rather ordinary brown. And my hair can't hold a curl at all
I have a lot of hair {and it's auburn} and when it is long it looks like the 3rd photo.... I have always had a hair fantasy to buy a wig that was short, straight and black with bangs/fringe. don't know why I always want black hair but hey it would be sexy!
Omg! This post is amazingly UNBEWEAVABLE lol. I want big ass afro curls! I think you're inspiring me for tomorrow.
I hope you had a fabulous weekend! XO
I used to have hair I could sit on it was so long and before parties I'd get my crimper out - wow! It was such fun! But so much effort! Love these gals big sassy hair styles!
easy and sexy...
I agree!! My hair is flat as can be and i am always jealous of my friends with huge hair! Lovely!
my hair is so darn straight...I have always wanted it to be curly!
Love big hair that can stand up and walk around on its own.
i blow dry my hair or put hot rollers in it (i know, old school) to tame my 'fro. i have super curly hair and it gets tangled and crazy when it dries. it looks cute if i put a flower in it or something, but sometimes the flower gets lost in my hair @_@
i love big hair. my hair is rather lank & i mousse it & round brush it into fullness! good luck in your big hair dreams ;D
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