Someone was mean to me this morning (I sound like a child saying that), but really, someone was just really ugly to me and it always takes me off guard because it doesn't happen that often. I don't know this person, but I have to see him on a regular basis which makes him being to mean not so easy to shrug off. Ok, but that's not the point of this post. In an attempt to rid myself of negative feelings I'm posting some flower vignettes that simply make me happy. I do not want to indulge myself in feeling hurt or angry, so instead, I'm offering up some pretty photos (well, because they're pretty and I'm having trouble focusing on anything more in depth). Enjoy...

Ok, I am going to start my day over (beginning now) sans mean dude. I'll be back later in response to a tag and tomorrow I have a surprise for you...but first, tell me, how do you deal with mean people?
Have a nice day! Here it is afternoon and I am soon going home from work to pick up my two children. Keep smiling!
love the picture of flowers in the colored vases. thanks for starting my morning off on a positive note!
i hope today's starting to go better for you-
Wishing you a day filled with flowers and happiness. Sorry to hear about the mean person.... I kill them with kindness. I try, {key word try} to remain calm and I actual work this phrase into the exchange
"You must be having a tough day, your'e being really mean right now could I get you something? a cup of tea to help you relax?"
I said that to one of my co-workers is is just mean and my senior boss happened to walk by (unknown to me, until I heard him laugh in enjoyment how I handled it) well, that co-worker was nice for a bit but at least once a month slips back into his mean ways.
It also throws them off a bit because you actually call them on it. But sometimes it might now work because they don't care.
Wishing you a happy sunny day!!!
I am generally ultra-polite to them, to highlight their rudeness. I smile sweetly and make it a point to thank them. I don't know if they always get the message, but it makes me feel better than if I had tried to confront them and made the situation more ugly. I know then that at least I behaved well, even if they didn't.
Wishing you a better day! Flowers always make things better, don't they? ;)
mean people: seriously I shrug them off...too busy to allow them to mkae me react. forget about it all. remember all the people around you who are flowing with kindness and surround yourself with only happy wonderful people. smile at the mean person(that will piss them off!) xo
join our hiatus!!! we need you.
i always kill them with kindness...obviously those mean people are having a bad day and feel the need to take it out on others. i like your idea though...distract with pretty flowers. lol. enjoy the rest of your day and remember kindness is infectious. xoxo mayra.
I try not to let them get under my skin - because that's their whole reason for acting that way. Being the bigger person is the way to go, but it's not easy. So many retorts go through my head that I'd love to say... unfortunately I always think of them 10 minutes to late to really say them aloud!
Hope your day gets better. Flowers are a good start.
flowers are such a nice accent to the house!
These photos totally made me a happier person today. My coworkers thank you.
i bet you're feeling better already! :)
love the flowers in colorful vases by window.
i loved all your pictures.. and your blog is gr8 !!
well if people are mean to me i just smile at them i don care.... thats works out in my case. u better show your anger in a diplomatic way !
some people can behave mean like children.
i'm not the best when handling mean situations..asking God for patience and understanding with it.
oh, i am so not good at not letting myself be bothered. your flowers are lovely though--i hope they are making you feel better!(especially those daffodils--i can't get enough of that photo!).
Mean people suck. I'm way too sensitive about it. While I wish I could brush it off, I tend to let it sour my day. Love your blooming images... Hope your day is looking up!
I hate it when one person can ruin your whole day like that. I hope the rest of your day is lovely. I love all these, especially the last two.
I am sorry someone was mean to you! I get so sensitive from anything people say or do that is not kind. I always try to remind myself that nothing anyone else does towards you is personal--it is just that they are having a bad day or moment. It works sometimes:) Beautiful flowers-brightened up my day!
I always feel mean people have their own insecurities. Being rude is not a part of human nature, as hard as this world can be. They are not happy with themselves and most likely really selfish. Enjoy your day and don't let him bother you.
The exact same way.. just completely shocked someone could be so ugly or rude in behavior. And most of the time I have to sit back and think, well, maybe they're having an extremely hard day. NOT that it gives them a RIGHT to act that way, but that maybe that's not naturally how they are?!
Beautiful flowers. I love the simplicity of the last picture.
gorgeous pics and i'd like to get that guy for you. or i could send my scary boyfriend to shake him like a rag doll.
shaking him like a rag dolls sounds like fun (oohh, let's do it!)
I'm a kill them with kindness kind of girl
i'll punch his lights out.
I'm so glad you did a flower post. Warm weather (I'm in the Northeast) is just around the corner and I've got a serious case of Spring Fever! Looooove the last pic. Gorgeous!
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