I don't want to sound like a Valentine's Day scrooge, but the "holiday" has really never done anything for me, in fact, it kind of makes me uncomfortable. Maybe it's b/c I don't really like public displays of affection and V-day is like one big public make-out session. Before you start thinking I'm some love bitter individual, think again, b/c I love love really. Here's an idea, what if everyone spent the money they would spend on eachother this V-day and gave it to someone in need? Just a thought.
Last night, I took my 15 year old mentee to an event put on by World Vision. We "walked" through the life of an African child touched by HIV/AIDS. It was quite an experience and I think both of us were touched by the heroism of these young, afflicted children. Anyway, style and philanthropy can go hand in hand. Check out Common Threadz. When you buy a T-shirt, the organization gives one school uniform to an orphaned child in Africa (which may seem like a small deal, but it's not). Some shirts go to feed a child for a month.
These are my favorites (all shirts are designed by children):
"Human Trafficking"

"Alt Fuel" (eco-friendly)
"Orphan Collection"

"Seeing Eye"
source: CommonThreadz
At $38 a pop, these shirts would be great gifts for anyone.
Oh, and please note that I've added some links to the right side of the blog to organizations I've either volunteered w/or hope to work w/in the future. Check it out and Happy Love Day!!!
These are my favorites (all shirts are designed by children):
"Human Trafficking"

"Alt Fuel" (eco-friendly)

"Seeing Eye"

At $38 a pop, these shirts would be great gifts for anyone.
Oh, and please note that I've added some links to the right side of the blog to organizations I've either volunteered w/or hope to work w/in the future. Check it out and Happy Love Day!!!
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